Advantages and risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence from higher education student's perception in Mexico




Generative Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, Education activities, Machine Learning, Student's Perception, Advantages and Risks, Biases, Applications


Introduction: This article reports the perceptions of university students on the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in educational and academic issues. Previous studies related to the topic were reviewed, in addition to information generated by a sample of students from two Mexican higher education institutions where central opinions were identified about their perception as users of Generative Artificial Intelligence, recognizing advantages, disadvantages, abuses, challenges and some considerations regarding the skills that they consider that their teachers possess in relation to the use of this technology in the pedagogical and technological aspects. Methodology: Methodologically the qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach was chosen, supported by a documentary analysis and fieldwork, based on the categorization of the information provided by the sample, computing frequencies to transcode them for a better interpretation. Results: Among the main results, it was found that the majority of students show acceptance for the use of the IAGen in their academic activities, highlighting a growth in their learning and an efficient improvement in their academic tasks. Discussions and Conclusions: However, there is also a relevant concern about the ethical use and privacy of information when using this type of technology.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Hernández González, National Polytechnic Institute

She is an aspiring Master in Administration in Management and Development of Education and Bachelor in International Business, distinguished with the Award for the Best Written Work for Undergraduate Level Degree 2018, by the National Polytechnic Institute. She has a Diploma in areas of orientation of teaching practice by the UNAM. She currently works as a high school teacher.

Juan Manuel Ramos Quiroz, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in Educational Research from the University of Puebla and Master of Science in Business Administration from the National Polytechnic Institute. He was coordinator of the Master in Administration in Management and Development of Education, administrative assistant director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Studies No. 17 and Coordinator of Educational Structure, all of them at the same IPN. He has participated in publications on issues of educational inclusion, digital competencies, educational management, educational innovation and ICT in education. He is currently a full time collegiate research professor at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional.

Francisco Javier Chávez Maciel, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in Pedagogy from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). He was academic coordinator of the Common Space for Distance Higher Education in Mexico. He was Head of the Planning Unit at the Faculty of Law of the UNAM, as well as Academic Deputy Director at the Directorate of Sports and Recreational Activities of the UNAM. He was Specialized Technical Coordinator at the Directorate of Planning, Programming and Budget of the Ministry of Public Education. He has participated in international and national research, published and presented papers on educational issues related to inclusion, digital skills, management, innovation and ICT. He is currently a full-time postgraduate research professor at the National Polytechnic Institute.

María del Carmen Trejo Cázares, National Polytechnic Institute

D. in Pedagogy, specializing in Educational Planning and Foresight. Certified as University Expert in Planning and Management of Development Cooperation Projects in the field of Education, Science and Culture, by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain. At the National Polytechnic Institute, she held the positions of Head of the Division of Programs in Virtual Graduate Environments and Member of the Evaluation Committee of the National Quality Graduate Program of CONACyT in the area of non-school and mixed programs. She is currently a collegiate professor and research professor at the same institution.


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How to Cite

Hernández González, M., Ramos Quiroz, J. M., Chávez Maciel, F. J., & Trejo Cázares, M. del C. (2024). Advantages and risks of Generative Artificial Intelligence from higher education student’s perception in Mexico. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

