Interactive Storytelling Library on Netflix Spain (2024)




Netflix, Interactive storytelling, video on demand, streaming, interactivity, technology, audiovisual, transmedia


Introduction: The competitive landscape of the Video on Demand market encourages platforms to differentiate their content. Consequently, hybrid formats such as interactive audiovisual narratives have emerged. This article focuses on Netflix's library and interactive storytelling. The main aim of this investigation is to analyze this business and content strategy. Methodology: Content analysis of all interactive audiovisual works available on Netflix Spain (n=24). Results: The interactive content analyzed on the platform exhibits a wide variety of formats, lengths, production companies and narrative characteristics. However, the catalog is not extensive and is focused on young audiences. Discussions: This strategy is exploratory, aiming to differentiate content from other companies and leverage multi-device and technological potential. Conclusions: There is little future prospect compared to Netflix's other interactive initiatives (video games).


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Author Biographies

Elena Capapé, Universidad San Jorge

PhD in Communication and professor at the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza (Spain). She teaches in the area of Communication, specifically in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication. She is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the research group “Culture and Audiovisual Communication” (group recognized by the DGA, S67_23D). Her line of research is focused on the audiovisual field, new technologies and media management. Thus, she is the author of articles related to topics such as business models in the communication industry and online audiovisual distribution. She presents a multidisciplinary vision of the sector from the confluence of transmedia narratives, technology, production and audiovisual language.

Héctor J. Oliva Cantín, Universidad San Jorge

D. in Communication and professor at the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza (Spain). He teaches subjects in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication related to media history and editing theory and technique. He is Co-Principal Investigator (Co-IP) of the research group “Culture and Audiovisual Communication” (group recognized by the DGA, S67_23D). His lines of research explore the relationships between history, aesthetics and the audiovisual entertainment industry and their impacts and connections in popular culture. In addition, a significant part of his research focuses on examining the aesthetic, formal and ideological influences of discourses in audiovisual fiction across informational and persuasive genres, as well as the hybridization resulting from these intersections.


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How to Cite

Capapé, E., & Oliva Cantín, H. J. (2024). Interactive Storytelling Library on Netflix Spain (2024). European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.

