Development of critical thinking in Social Work students through the Theatre of the Oppressed: evaluation of an educational activity on cultural diversity management




higher education, students, social work, cultural diversity, competencies, critical thinking, pedagogical methods, theatre


Introduction: This study evaluates the application of the Theatre of the Oppressed in the teaching-learning of Social Work education. It analyses students' perceptions regarding the content, methodology and organization of the activity, as well as the acquisition of critical thinking competencies through it. Methodology: 114 students of the Degree in Social Work at the University of Alicante (Spain) participated. A descriptive and explanatory quantitative method was used. The questionnaire was the data collection instrument, and both univariate and bivariate analyses were conducted. Results: Students showed a positive perception of the experience, appreciating both the method used and the impact of the activity on the acquisition of competences. Discussion: The main research findings are analysed and interpreted in relation to the pre-existing body of knowledge. Conclusions: It is concluded that the Theatre of the Oppressed is an effective method for the development of critical thinking.


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Author Biographies

Javier Ferrer-Aracil, University of Alicante

Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Alicante (Spain). His teaching interests focus on Social Work with Communities, as well as Models and Methods of Social Work. His research interests include community intervention, diversity management and educational innovation. He is currently the Academic Coordinator of Social Work Internships at the University of Alicante.

Víctor M. Giménez-Bertomeu, University of Alicante

Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Alicante (Spain). His teaching interests focus on social work research, social work with organizations and social services. His research interests include social work evaluation, macro and micro level participation, social work practice and organizational contexts, teaching practice and social work research. He is currently Director of the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Alicante.

Elena M. Cortés-Florín, University of Alicante

Professor of the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Alicante (Spain). Her teaching interests focus on Models and Methods of Social Work, Social Work research and social services. Her research interests include participation, systemic intervention, social services intervention and educational innovation.

María Aragonés-González , University of Alicante

Research Staff at the Department of Social Work and Social Services of the University of Alicante (Spain). His research interests include social work in the educational system and the role of education for the prevention of social problems, teaching improvement and innovation in higher education.


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How to Cite

Ferrer-Aracil, J., Giménez-Bertomeu, V. M., Cortés-Florín, E. M., & Aragonés-González , M. (2024). Development of critical thinking in Social Work students through the Theatre of the Oppressed: evaluation of an educational activity on cultural diversity management. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.



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