Teaching beliefs and cognitive performance of students with ASD in Primary Education: a research design
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Executive Functions, Teaching Beliefs, Educational Inclusion, Special Educational Needs, Cognitive Performance, Primary Education, Teacher TrainingAbstract
Introduction: The educational needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are a priority in recent educational research. This work aims to investigate teachers' beliefs and the cognitive performance of students with ASD in primary education. Methodology: The objectives are: to theoretically define both variables, to design a tool to assess teachers' beliefs about ASD students, and to study their possible correlation in a highly controlled sample, with the aim of designing a subsequent larger research project. A specific questionnaire, with adequate internal consistency, was designed to assess teaching beliefs and the ENFEN test was used to measure the cognitive performance of ASD students. The sample consisted of 7 ASD students and 9 teachers. Results: The results indicate that there is no direct relationship between teaching beliefs and their incidence on the cognitive performance of students with ASD, probably due to the size of the sample and the level of specialization of the teachers. Conclusions: The conclusions of this work have allowed us to delimit the design of a broader research, with the hope of improving teacher training based on the study of the beliefs of teachers who work with ASD students.
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