The Post-sapiens era: other technologies through artistic expression




trans-species, post-sapiens, artistic expression, technology, gender identity, cyborg, sensor, wearables


Introduction: We are immersed in the era of technology. We are surrounded by thousands of objects, proposals, formats, etc. They are generating the evolution of the species. A new identity, a trans-species generated by new technologies and that, as has always happened, will receive a response from art. Artistic practices that involve new codes and are supported by tools such as: implants, sensors, wearables, etc. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyze the artistic practices with technology, which generate a new species. Methodology: Under the prism of an Arts-Bases Research. Results: A series of artistic Works are exhibited to compare them, observing the links that are established. Discussions: As a result of this examination, new typologies of intervention and creation emerge, which surpass the socio-cultural context. Where technology will be a determining element in these artistic expressions, generating new realities. Conclusions: With this research, a new classification of cyborg artistic practices linked to devices, space and stimuli is concluded. New modes of communication between humans and technology, now converted into human/machine, with other types of interpretations resulting from the linking of both.


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Author Biographies

Marta Rico Cuesta, University of Extremadura

PhD in History and Arts from the University of Granada and professor of the Drawing area in the Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development at the University of Extremadura. She is an artistic producer, highlighting the solo exhibition “La habitación del cuerpo” (2013) at Fundación Santander Creativa and the group exhibitions: “MappaeMundi” (2011) at FundazioneOrestiadi (Palermo, Italy) or “Reminiscencias Lumínicas” at Centro Federico García Lorca. He is a member of the HUM-026 Research Group (UEx), where he analyzes contemporary artistic languages that question the cultural politics of representation; with articles such as “Identity Paradigms of Motor Diversity” in Art and Identity Politics and “Art and Technology: beyond the normative body” in Techno Review.

Guadalupe Durán Domínguez, University of Extremadura

Doctor from the University of Extremadura (UEX) and Professor in the area of ​​Drawing at UEX (Spain). From the Diploma of Advanced Studies he has studied the field of digital art and its reproduction, participating in several National and Regional Projects, as well as transfer projects with companies, linked to multiple facets such as photography or artistic representations, and the space of technologies focused on their use in creative expression from the Artistic Creation Research Group: Music, Image and Movement, from where he has written in numerous national and international publications. Without forgetting the creative side, with participation in multiple exhibitions, both individual and collective, national and international, as well as its curating.


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How to Cite

Rico Cuesta, M., & Durán Domínguez, G. (2024). The Post-sapiens era: other technologies through artistic expression . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15.



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