Experience in peer assessment applied to the subject of Energy Technology





Peer assessment, Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering, Sustainable Development Goals, Renewable energies, Teamwork, Statistical analysis, Effective communication, Decision-making


Introduction: In recent years, peer evaluation has acquired special relevance in university teaching since it entails involving students in the evaluation process. This methodology provides important benefits to the student. Methodology: The experience consists of the development and presentation, by teams, of an idea based on the application of renewable energy in the context of the subject “Energy Technology”. At the end of the presentation, the rest of the classmates evaluate the idea by answering a series of questions on a five Likert scale. The evaluation carried out on each team is statistically analyzed to determine the degree of similarity with that carried out by the teacher. Results and discussion: The results show statistically significant differences in the evaluation of all questions, with a greater proportion observed in those referring to the presentation of the work. The final grade of the activity presents differences of less than one point for 93% of the teams. Conclusions: Knowing the discrepancies and having them limited, the teachers have the option of using peer evaluation as a resource in their subject.


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Author Biographies

Sergio Gallardo, Polytechnic University of Valencia

D. in Industrial Engineering. He is currently a University Professor in the area of knowledge of Nuclear Engineering. 23 years of teaching and research experience at the Universitat Politècnica de València in undergraduate and Master courses. He develops his research in nuclear thermohydraulics and Monte Carlo applications. She has 45 research publications indexed in JCR, several book chapters, more than 100 papers in international conferences and more than 40 research projects and contracts. He has supervised three Doctoral Theses and more than 100 Final Degree Projects, Final Degree Projects and Master's Degree Projects. He has participated in more than 10 teaching innovation projects with participation in conferences.

María Lorduy-Alós, Polytechnic University of Valencia

D. in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in 2022. She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Statistics and Operations Research and Quality of the UPV. Teaching experience since 2021 in subjects in the Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering, Degree in Energy Engineering and Degree in Biotechnology. She participates in Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects (PIME) and Student Support Programs (PIAE+). Since 2016 she is part of the SENUBIO research group of the University Institute of Industrial Safety, Radiophysics and Environment (ISIRYM). Author of several publications in national and international journals and conferences, in the areas of thermohydraulics and medical physics.

José Felipe Villanueva, Polytechnic University of Valencia

PhD in Industrial Engineering, he is currently a University Professor in the Nuclear Engineering Area. More than 20 years of teaching experience in different universities and categories in both Master and Degree. The subject areas range from Safety in Industrial and Nuclear Installations, Energy and Sustainable Development, to Statistics and Econometrics. He has directed a total of 20 TFG/TFM and has participated in 12 teaching innovation projects generating around 20 teaching publications in conferences. He maintains several lines of research related to Safety in Nuclear Installations, Thermohydraulics and Uncertainty Analysis. He has 20 indexed publications, 2 book chapters, more than 35 papers in international conferences, and more than 18 research projects and contracts.

Patricia Mayo, Polytechnic University of Valencia

D. in Industrial Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) in 2007. She is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering at UPV. Teaching experience since 2008 in undergraduate and master's degree subjects, such as Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering, Degree in Energy Engineering, Degree in Biomedical Engineering and Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. Since 2016 he is part of innovation and educational quality teams, and participates in teaching innovation projects. Member of the SENUBIO research group of the University Institute of Industrial Safety, Radiophysics and Environment (ISIRYM). Author of several publications in journals and national and international conferences. Researcher in several projects funded by public calls and research contracts.


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How to Cite

Gallardo, S., Lorduy-Alós, M., Villanueva, J. F., & Mayo, P. (2024). Experience in peer assessment applied to the subject of Energy Technology . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-544




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