Evaluación del desarrollo de la competencia de ciudadanía en el alumnado universitario a través del aprendizaje- servicio como metodología innovadora

Evaluation of Citizenship Competence Development in University Students through service-learning as an Innovative Methodology





Service-Learning, citizen competition, evaluation tool, teacher training, social transformation, innovative methodology, Higher Education, meaningful learning


Introduction: Service-Learning (SL), (Peña, 2020) is an educational methodology that harmonizes community service with critical reflection focused on social justice, being transformative when it includes reflection, participation, and intentionality (Ferrandis, 2020). The Spanish university, driven by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), adopts active methodologies such as SL to promote personal and collective changes (Jiménez, González, and Tornel, 2020). This study evaluated personal, social, and civic competencies in undergraduate students in Primary and Early Childhood Education at the SAFA University Center, affiliated with the University of Jaén. Methodology: A questionnaire was designed and administered to 305 students, of whom 36.1% had participated in SL. Results:  The development of their personal, social learning, and civic competence was evaluated from the students' perception. Discussion:  Reliability analysis, factor analysis, and non-parametric tests were conducted, showing differences between students who had participated in SL experiences and those who had not. Conclusions: The study confirms that this innovative methodology, SL, is effective in developing global competencies in teaching students, promoting meaningful learning and a commitment to social justice and the global environment.


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Author Biographies

Encarnación Chica Merino, University of Jaén

Biologist from the University of Granada and Doctor in Educational Sciences from the University of Malaga, specialized in the design and validation of evaluation and quality tools in the field of education, sports and volunteering. She teaches at the stage of Compulsory Secondary Education, and at the university level since 2003 at the C. Universitario Virgen de Europa (attached to the University of Cádiz) and C. Universitario SAFA (attached to the University of Jaén), teaching in the areas of Science Didactics, Research Methodology. Member of the research group “Evaluation in natural contexts” SEJ44 of the University of Malaga. Postdoctoral research stay (Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Major, do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.

Paz Peña García, Nebrija University

Pedagogue and PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Granada, specialized in diversity, intersectionality, intercultural mediation with ethnic minorities. With 14 years of experience in employment and education with the gypsy community and foreigners. Member of SMEMIU (UNED) and the research group HUM126. University teacher since 2012 in UNED, SAFA-Úbeda, UPNA, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Universidad Europea in areas of knowledge of Didactics and School Organization, Research Method and Diagnosis in Education. Researcher in the Department of Anthropology of Education at the University of Granada in European projects, coordinator of Service Learning in UNIJES-SAFA Úbeda, and of the Guidance Office in UNED-Úbeda). Postdoctoral research stay (Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación. Intercultural University of Veracruz).


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How to Cite

Chica Merino, E., & Peña García, P. (2024). Evaluación del desarrollo de la competencia de ciudadanía en el alumnado universitario a través del aprendizaje- servicio como metodología innovadora: Evaluation of Citizenship Competence Development in University Students through service-learning as an Innovative Methodology. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-548


