Mindfulness and children’s literature as a method to improve disruptive behaviour in the third cycle of primary school





Mindfulness, disruptive behaviour, Primary Education, ASD, ADHD, meditation, emotions, children's literature


Introduction: Nowadays, in the educational field, the management of disruptive behaviour goes far beyond disciplinary sanctions, as understanding and attending to the cognitive, behavioural, emotional and social needs of students is also part of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, our aim is to use mindfulness to improve these behaviours. Methodology: The educational intervention is developed through three phases: an introductory phase, where we aim to teach students about and practice mindfulness; a second phase on emotions, trying to get students to identify them and know how to self-regulate them; and a third phase in which mindfulness will be incorporated into their daily lives. Results: Through this intervetion, disruptive behaviour in the primary classroom is improved. Discussions: The interest of this work is the inclusion of children’s literature, proposing a new method to apply mindfulness in primary classrooms, including adaptations for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Conclusions: The inclusion of mindfulness in schools is essential for the improvement of coexistence.


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Author Biographies

Mª Eugenia Acedo Tapia, University of Malaga

Professor of the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature of the University Center of Antequera María Inmaculada, attached to the University of Málaga, since 2010. Doctor in Hispanic Philology from the University of Málaga with mention of European Doctorate. Extraordinary Award for Bachelor's Degree in Hispanic Philology. Master in Communication and Culture from the University of Malaga. Master in High Specialization in Hispanic Philology at the Higher Center for Scientific Research (CSIC). Master in Promotion of Reading and Children's Literature from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. His research focuses on language teaching, children's literature and local historiography of Antequera. Member of the DILINGUA-HUM253 research group of the University of Malaga.

Vania García Toro, University of Malaga

Degree in Primary Education (Specialty in Physical Education). DECA (Ecclesiastical Declaration of Academic Competence).


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How to Cite

Acedo Tapia, M. E., & García Toro, V. (2024). Mindfulness and children’s literature as a method to improve disruptive behaviour in the third cycle of primary school . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-553


