Implementation and Evaluation of the Academic Improvement Program in a Private University in Western Mexico. Reactive measure to avoid university desertion.




Academic Improvement Program, Desertion, Private University, Permanence, Academic Performance, Academic Accompaniment, Most Significant Change, Mexico


Introduction: This research aims to expose the results of the implementation of the Academic Improvement Programme (PMA) in a private university in western Mexico, designed to prevent student dropout. The study focused on students who entered for the first time on a face-to-face basis after the COVID-19 confinement. Methodology: A qualitative and interpretative approach was used, applying the Most Significant Change (MSC) technique. The study, with a case study perspective, involved 12 undergraduate law students who did not achieve the required academic performance and committed to participate in the LDC. Results: The results revealed five significant changes among the students: a) personal development and growth; b) emotional balance; c) application of study methods; d) recognition and gratitude for the personalised attention received; and e) recovery of motivation and self-confidence. Discussion: The results underline the effectiveness of PMA in improving students' well-being and academic performance, highlighting its potential to address post-confinement difficulties. Conclusions: Based on these results, it is proposed to continue applying PMA to all students in the different schools and faculties of the university, given its positive impact on student performance and well-being.


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Author Biographies

Eva Gricelda Ochoa Cedeño, Panamerican University

Degree in Public Accounting from the Universidad Panamericana, Master in Administration from the Universidad de Guadalajara, Master in Taxes from the Universidad de Guadalajara, Diploma in Marriage and Family from the Universidad Panamericana, Specialisation in Anthropology and Ethics from the Universidad Panamericana, Specialisation in Didactic Competences from the Universidad Panamericana, currently PhD candidate in Business Sciences from the Universidad Panamericana; Administrative positions such as: General Accountant of the Universidad Panamericana, Treasurer of the Universidad Panamericana and currently Administrative Secretary of the Faculty of Law of the same University. Professor in the following subjects: Basic Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Administrative Accounting and Costs, Corporate Management and Introduction to Economics.

Alejandro Rodríguez Magaña, Panamerican University

Degree in Administration and Finance; Specialisations: in Corporate Finance, in Corporate Matters, in Anthropology and Ethics and in Didactic Competences (Universidad Panamericana), in Banking and Finance at the IEB in Madrid. Master in Financial Economics at USACH, Republic of Chile. Senior Management Programme D1 at IPADE and the D. in Administrative Sciences at IPN. Professor of various undergraduate and graduate and postgraduate courses at the Universidad anamericana. Business experience. Currently General Administrator of UP Guadalajara and UP Aguascalientes. Active participation in the media, currently with a weekly financial commentary on W-Radio and X-ti TV. Former President of IMEF Guadalajara in 2019. Belongs to the S.N.I. level 1. Independent director of several companies.

Ligia García Bejar, Panamerican University

PhD in Communication; Master in Communication; Master in Radio, Television and Film; Certificate in Hispanic Marketing Communication; Bachelor in Pedagogy; Specialisation in Anthropology and Ethics; Specialisation in Didactic Competences; Research Professor at the School of Pedagogy and Psychology (Universidad Panamericana) with the responsibility of the research secretariat; Associate member of the Mexican Council for Educational Research; Member of S.N.I. level 1; Collaborates in the Recrea research of the Ministry of Education of Jalisco. Executive Manager of the project ‘Leadership programme in character education for Mexican public schools’ in collaboration with the University of Navarra; Lines of research in: digital audience studies, internet uses in children, adolescents and young people; and academic and research trajectories in private universities.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Cedeño, E. G., Rodríguez Magaña, A., & García Bejar, L. (2024). Implementation and Evaluation of the Academic Improvement Program in a Private University in Western Mexico. Reactive measure to avoid university desertion. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.

