Empowering the future: STEAM+h at the new mexican school, transformative learning





formative fields, education, inclusion, humanistic, critical thinking, NEM, STEAM+h, ethical values


Introduction: The study shows an analysis of the integration of humanistic values ​​into STEAM, to build an education of excellence, where students are agents of change with solid skills and understanding of the challenges of the modern world. The qualitative, descriptive approach, under the action research method, allowed the acquisition of knowledge, by demonstrating that the use of the humanistic h-vision added to the STEAM approach as a principle of the New Mexican School in the training fields: Language, Ethics, Nature and Societies develops in the student capacities and abilities for an excellent education. Methodology: The implementation of STEAM+h was carried out in a primary school in Monterrey, N.L. Mexico, with a sample of 20 fifth grade students. Interviews were conducted with teachers on campus to capture their perceptions and experiences in the integration of the h-humanistic vision and the observation of a class with STEAM application, instruments that provided information for decision-making with a vision of academic and personal growth of the students. students. Conclusions: It is concluded that the implementation of STEAM+h represents an opportunity to cultivate an equitable society capable of innovative problem solving, promoting autonomy to face the challenges of the future with confidence and creativity.


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Author Biographies

Adriana Domínguez Saldívar

Teacher at Escuela Normal Miguel F. Martínez; Education Sciences/Bachelor's Degree; ITESM, Graduate School, Virtual University/Master's Degree. Colegio Americano Anáhuac de Monterrey, S.C./master's degree. Centro Educativo de Formación Superior, Monterrey (EDEC) Master's and Ph. Studies: Post-doctorate in Scientific Research Methodology, Socio-training and Human Development. Doctorate in Educational Development with emphasis on Teacher Training; postdoctorate in Constructivism and New Technologies. Master's degree in Higher Education; Master's degree in Psychopedagogy. Desirable profile PRODEP, Active Member of SOMEC. Associate Candidate of COMIE. Member of REDDOLAC. Publications in various journals; International evaluator SINAES Costa Rica. Evaluator of the Desirable Profile and Academic Bodies convened by the DGESuM. SNI candidate by CONAHCYT.

Antonia Cristina Vázquez Castelán, Escuela Normal Miguel F. Martínez, Centenaria y Benemérita

Labor: Miguel F. Martínez Normal School, Centenaria y Benemérita; School of Educational Sciences. Studies: Graduate in Primary Education. Student at the Emiliano Zapata University in Business Administration; Student of Educational Sciences in the master's degree in Psychopedagogy.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Saldívar, A., & Vázquez Castelán, A. C. (2024). Empowering the future: STEAM+h at the new mexican school, transformative learning. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2025-575


