Socio-educational exclusion as an influential factor in the migration projects of Moroccan minors




migration, social exclusion, minors, education, educational rights, borders, inequality, school dropout


Introduction: The scarcity of socio-educational resources in peripheral and rural areas of Morocco affects as a factor of socio-educational exclusion in Moroccan minors and young people residing in these places. The data on illiteracy and school dropouts in Morocco reach alarming figures. Therefore, the general objective of knowing the educational situation of Moroccan minors and young people in their country of origin is proposed. Methodology: The methodology follows a qualitative perspective, through semi-structured interviews with 18 Moroccan minors and young people residing in the city of Tangier (Morocco) who frequent the spaces of the Darna association. Results: The results indicate that the socioeconomic vulnerability of families drives these young people to leave school to contribute to the family economy with sporadic and poorly paid jobs, as well as dropping out of school at an early age, between 10 and 14. years. Discussion: The studies consulted reveal a high percentage of illiteracy (Mejdoubi, 2008) and school failure (López, 2019) in the Moroccan population. Conclusions: The scarcity of socio-educational resources in Moroccan educational centers has an impact on the academic performance and vital development of the most vulnerable children, driving the search for vital alternatives in other territories.


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Author Biographies

Eulogio García Vallinas, University of Cádiz

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is currently Honorary Collaborating Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organisation and member of the Research Group ‘HUM-936: Analysis of Exclusion and Socio-educational Opportunities’ at the University of Cadiz. Regarding current projects, she is part of the research team of the R+D+I projects: ‘PID2020-114739RB-100: Study on the legal, criminological, psycho-social and educational variables, determinants of the vital itineraries of unaccompanied migrant children’ and ‘PID2022-140271OB-I00: Foreign pupils on the margins of the educational system. A study of the processes that lead them to special education and other programmes of attention to diversity (2023-2027)’.

Giovanna Izquierdo Medina, University of Cádiz

PhD in Educational Research and Practice, in the field of education, democracy and citizenship from the University of Cadiz (2024). Currently, she is a lecturer in the Family, School and Society Area of the Faculty of Education at the UNIR, psychologist at the Inserta Andalucía's ‘La Jara’ Child Protection Centre and secretary of the Association Mujeres Ante el Mundo (Rota, Cádiz). She is also a member of the Research Group ‘HUM-936: Analysis of Exclusion and Socio-educational Opportunities’ and a member of the working team of several current R+D+I projects of the University of Cadiz.


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How to Cite

García Vallinas, E., & Izquierdo Medina, G. (2024). Socio-educational exclusion as an influential factor in the migration projects of Moroccan minors. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.

