Resistances, difficulties and fears. An approach to understanding the causes of persistent digital divides.




digital divide, skilles divide, digital inclusion, development zones, resistance to digitalization , learning difficoulties, qualitative research, inequality


Introduction: This article examines the persistent digital divides among populations at risk of social exclusion, focusing on the socioeconomic, cultural, and behavioural factors perpetuating this gap. Methodology: The findings presented in this article are derived from the research project entitled "Digital Inclusion in Development Zones: Needs, Practices, and Strategies." The study was conducted in urban areas designated as "disadvantaged zones" in four cities of Andalusia, Spain. A total of 38 open interviews were conducted with experts, residents, and professionals from public administration and the third sector. Results: The persistence of digital skills gaps can be attributed to a lack of economic and educational resources, as well as negative attitudes towards technological tools. A number of factors impede digital integration, including limited access to devices, time constraints, inadequate training, literacy challenges, language barriers, and a reluctance to embrace digital change and a lack of self-confidence. Discussions: To address these disparities, it is essential to promote regular practice of digital competencies, as skills improve with repeated exposure and familiarity with processes. Furthermore, it is vital to challenge stereotypes about lack of interest or self-control in disadvantaged communities and to foster creativity to optimise technology access and usage processes.


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Author Biographies

José Antonio Cerrillo Vidal, Pablo de Olavide University

Degree in Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid, with a doctoral thesis on perceptions of euthanasia and assisted suicide in Andalusia (Dept. Sociology II UNED). Qualitative research technician at IESA-CSIC (2005-2012), Professor of Sociology at the University of Cordoba (2012-2022) and Assistant Professor at the University Pablo de Olavide (2022-currently). Co-author of three books and articles in Medical Teacher, RIS, Reçerca, Empiria, Arbor, Advances in Applied Sociology, Athenea Digital and Sistema, among others. He is a member of the Health Sociology Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology, the EOL Network for End-of-Life Studies, the Ibero-American Research Network on Imaginaries and Representations and the research group Inequality and Domination in Andalusia (SEJ-339). Her main lines of research are the sociology of health, cultural studies, qualitative methodology and the relationships between territory, development and environment.

Giuseppe Beluschi-Fabeni, University of Córdoba

Degree in Psychology, PhD in Social Sciences. Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Cordoba (Qualitative Research Methods and Sociology of Tourism in undergraduate and master's degree). His research has focused on international migration and social change among Romanian Roma minorities, on policy evaluation through discourse analysis of strategic and policy documents, on the digital divide and the role of the third sector in Andalusia and on social equity in bilingual programmes in compulsory education.


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How to Cite

Cerrillo Vidal, J. A., & Beluschi-Fabeni, G. (2024). Resistances, difficulties and fears. An approach to understanding the causes of persistent digital divides. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



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