The The action-oriented approach through a didactic experience of oralisation of written informative texts from the media




communicative skills, orality, writing, mass-media, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), reading comprehension, oral expression, discursive genres


Introduction: This paper explains the genesis, development and compilation of the results of a didactic experience carried out as a teaching innovation project for the sole Spanish language subject in Advertising and Public Relations, a degree course at the University of Cadiz. Methodology: By working in pairs or in groups of three, a written source text (a news item from the written press) has been transformed into a written text but ready to be communicated orally. Results: It is an activity for the development and evaluation of students’ communicative competence in the Spanish language. It is either the linguistic elaboration and execution and video recording of a short series of television news, or the realization of an audiovisual interview and its conversion into a written one. Discussions: On the one hand, there has been oralization of a written text of an informative nature; on the other, there has been a transition from listening comprehension to written expression. Conclusions: The field of use of the language is that of the media. In both cases, news and prepared interview, a real communicative situation is staged in an audiovisual media that represents, in its first option, a situation of non-spontaneous speech.


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Author Biography

F. Javier de Cos Ruiz, University of Cádiz

Assistant Professor of Spanish Language (Department of Philology). Teaching: Spanish Language, Morphology, Syntax, History of the Spanish Language, Spanish Language for Advertising and Public Relations, Norm and Use of Spanish, Spanish as a Foreign or Second Language, Methodology of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, Spanish for Specific Purposes, Hispanic Culture. Research: Member of research groups and projects with european, national and regional funding. University management record: General Director for Language Policy, Director of University School of Modern Language, Coordinator of the Degree in Hispanic Philology, Coordinator of the section Teaching of Spanish in Master in Hispanic Studies, Secretary of the Publications Service, Organizer of international conferences, symposia, and national seminars, Academic and employment tutor of company internships, Academic tutor of Erasmus students.


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How to Cite

de Cos Ruiz, F. J. (2024). The The action-oriented approach through a didactic experience of oralisation of written informative texts from the media. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13.


