Experiences on inclusive education and social cohesion in Sweden: a case study





social cohesion, inclusion, interculturality, educational policies, coexistence, administration, immigration, social sustainability


Introduction: This article analyses institutional actors, especially educational actors, to study the situation in Malmö as an example of a multicultural society. The aim is to draw conclusions about the strategies implemented to promote an inclusive educational environment and social cohesion in the city. Methodology: A content analysis of local and national policy documents was carried out, complemented by key informant interviews. This enabled information to be gathered on educational and awareness-raising programmes developed in schools and communities to promote inclusion and intercultural understanding. Results: Malmö's multicultural diversity, with more than 100 spoken languages and 160 nationalities, is a key factor in its international identity. Challenges faced by the immigrant population in schools were identified and government strategies to address multiculturalism in education were analysed. Discussion: The study reveals how immigrant families interact with schools and the general perception of multiculturalism in Malmö, where 41% of the population is of foreign origin. Conclusions: The strategies implemented in Malmö schools reflect an effort to promote inclusion and social cohesion in a city that represents a true melting pot of cultures.


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Author Biographies

María José Vicente Vicente, Complutense University of Madrid

María José Vicente is a lecturer and researcher attached to the Department of Political Science and Administration (UCM) and Sociology at the Faculty of Labour Relations of the University of Castilla-La Mancha. D. in Political Science and Sociology (2023) within the Social Problems Analysis programme and in Information Science (2016), she holds a degree in Law, Political Science and Administration and a diploma in Marketing and Advertising. She completed her postdoctoral stay at the University of Évora in the Faculty of Sociology in 2021.

Her main research interests are the Nordic model, emerging welfare states, the crisis of political legitimacy and the party system, ethics and good governance, and social policy.

Aurora Galán Carretero, University of Castilla-La Mancha

Aurora Galán teaches in different fields of sociology: Sociology of Work and Sociology of Gender. Her teaching career began in 2002, at the University of Castilla-La Mancha; currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Labour Relations and Human Resources in Albacete. In December 2014 she took up the post of academic secretary and since 19 April 2021 she has been Dean of the Faculty.

She has supervised 42 TFG, 2 TFM and is currently co-directing a doctoral thesis. She has made several stays abroad as a visiting professor: at the Instituto Superior de Economía e Gestão (ISEG) in Lisbon (Portugal) and at the Ceiil-Piette of the CONICET in Buenos Aires (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Vicente Vicente, M. J., & Galán Carretero, A. (2024). Experiences on inclusive education and social cohesion in Sweden: a case study. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-607



Research articles