Tu sijè magnète. Hesse ha ite: some morphosyntactic characteristics of the verb in Ortonese compared with Italian





Ortonese, Abruzzese, verb, contrastive linguistics, morphosyntax, dialects, morphology, syntax


Of all the grammatical categories the verb is among the most complex -even more so when the language in question is not official. This is the case of Ortonese, spoken in Ortona (CH) as an Adriatic variant of Abruzzese. This article is intended to be a first step towards a detailed analysis of the verb, starting from its morphosyntactic description compared to Italian. We analyze the distribution of the verb starting with the subdivision into four conjugations and analyzing some of the most frequent phenomena such as the transitivization of intransitive verbs, the presence of the prepositional accusative in some verbs such as “sendì” (to feel), absent in Italian, the transformation of transitive verbs and some intransitives in reflexives or the distinction between “esse” (to be) and “sctè” (to stay) or “avè” (to have) and “tenè” (to hold). The investigation focuses on the analysis of all indicative tenses in current Ortonese and includes a number of irregular verbs. Furthermore, we observe the complexity involved in selecting the auxiliary which, unlike Italian, does not depend on the verb class but on the person, a characteristic common to many Abruzzo dialects.


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Author Biography

Emiliana Tucci, Universidade da Coruña

Emiliana Tucci is a professor of Italian at the Faculty of Philology at the University of A Coruña. She received her PhD from the University of A Coruña with a thesis on partitives in Italian. He is a member of the research group of Romanesque and Comparative Studies (Romanycom). Her field of research focuses on the Italian language, the teaching of Italian as L2, and the contrastive analysis of Italian with Ortonese, the Adriatic variant of Abruzzese.


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How to Cite

Tucci, E. (2024). Tu sijè magnète. Hesse ha ite: some morphosyntactic characteristics of the verb in Ortonese compared with Italian . European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-615



Humanism and Social Sciences