Music: between the Real and Time, a Poetics of the Ineffable - a Philosophy of Music from Bergson to Jankélévitch




Music, Ineffable, Time, Duration, Aesthetics, Poetics, Real, Being


Introduction: This text analyses Henri Bergson's and Vladimir Jankélévitch's philosophical conceptions of time and music. Bergson emphasises intuition and temporal duration as means of understanding reality, while Jankélévitch focuses on the musical ineffable and silence as revealing the real. Methodology: The study addresses the philosophy of both authors, exploring how music, by going beyond logos, reveals essential aspects of time and the incomprehensible. It compares their theories on the relationship between time, music and reality. Results: Music is presented as an articulation between time and the real, an experience not to be described, but lived. Jankélévitch compares music to love and existence, stressing its ineffable character, irreducible to verbal language. Discussion: Both philosophers suggest that music reveals essential aspects of existence that cannot be exhausted by words. Silence is the appropriate response, allowing the other to manifest itself. Conclusions: Music, as an experience irreducible to language, constructs a philosophy of existence. Insisting on describing it in words can obscure its true essence.


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Author Biography

Francisco Aranda Espinosa, Autonomous University of Hidalgo State

Francisco Aranda Espinosa has a degree in Music, a Master in Humanistic and Educational Research and a PhD in Philosophy and History of Ideas. He has been Professor of Piano at the Academy of Arts, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, from 2017 to 2023. Since 2023 he is Full-Time Research Professor at the Instituto de Artes, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (Mexico). He is a specialist in Aesthetics of Music and Art and in the analysis of Opera, from an interdisciplinary approach.


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How to Cite

Aranda Espinosa, F. (2024). Music: between the Real and Time, a Poetics of the Ineffable - a Philosophy of Music from Bergson to Jankélévitch. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10.



Humanism and Social Sciences