Human-like virtual influencers: human perceptions and attitudes towards an emerging phenomenon




virtual influencers, Artificial intelligence, social media, influencer marketing, perception, emotion, attitude, Instagram


Introduction: Technological evolution has led to the emergence of virtual influencers, digitally created figures that participate in social media to capture the attention of netizens for commercial purposes. These influencers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, aiming for a high resemblance to humans. The general objective of this study is to understand how human-like virtual influencers affect the perception, emotions, and attitudes of the human cyber population. These constructs form the conceptual model to be measured. Methodology: The conclusive descriptive design employs mixed methods, including an online survey administered to 1.380 users and content analysis of 47.500 interactions on Instagram. Results: The results confirm that the existence of virtual influencers, especially the more anthropomorphic ones, affects human perception and emotion. Discussions: The discussion fucoses on the interaction between humans and virtual entities is increasing, and the various effects on the former need to be closely observed. Conclusions: It is concluded that the role of virtual influencers in influencer marketing is acknowledged; however, ethical, and social issues arising from social interactions in digital environments still need to be carefully examined.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Pérez-Sánchez, University of Guanajuato

Mónica Pérez-Sánchez holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Valencia, where she achieved the highest grade: “Outstanding CUM LAUDE” and “International Mention”. Previously, she obtained a master's degree in Tourist Marketing from LaSalle Bajío University and a master's degree in Business Management and Administration from the University of Alicante. She also holds a specialization in Human Resources Management from Fairfax Community College and a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Resource Management from the University of Guanajuato. Since 2006, she has been a full-time professor and researcher at the University of Guanajuato. She has the PRODEP Profile recognition and is a candidate for the National System of Researchers (SNI). Her research focuses on Marketing, Tourism, and Cultural Heritage.

Javier Casanoves-Boix, International University of La Rioja

Dr. Javier Casanoves-Boix is Lecturer at the Department of Marketing of the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain. His research attention has focused on the areas of Marketing and Branding. He has published articles in several refereed journals (such as European Journal of Management and Business Economics, Revista de Investigación Educativa, and UCJC Business and Society Review, amog others), and is the author of diverse books and book chapters related to his investigation field in several refereed publishers (such as Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Tirant lo Blanch, and Dykinson, among others). He has also collaborated with several companies, helping them on designing Marketing and Branding strategies.

Betzabeth Dafne Morales, University of Guanajuato

PhD in Administration and Organizational Studies from La Salle Bajío University, with a Master's degree in Personnel Management and a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Resource Management from the University of Guanajuato. She has worked in the private sector in hospitality and human resource management and in the government tourism sector at the Secretariat of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato. Currently, she is the Coordinator of the Master's in Strategic Human Capital Management and a full-time Professor and Researcher at the University of Guanajuato. She is a candidate member of the National System of Researchers (SNI), with PRODEP Profile recognition, and performs functions in teaching, research, management, and outreach. She is the leader of the Tourism, Management, and Development Academic Group. Her research areas include tourism development, heritage, gender, organizational studies, and human resources.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Sánchez, M., Casanoves-Boix, J., & Morales, B. D. (2024). Human-like virtual influencers: human perceptions and attitudes towards an emerging phenomenon. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.




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