The Impact of LOMLOE on Educational Diversity Attention Processes: Educators' Perspectives




LOMLOE, attention to diversity, Specific educacional support needs, Special Educational Needs, Inclusion, teaching staff, teacher training, leadership in education managment


Abstract: Introduction: This research analyzes the impact of implementing the LOMLOE (2020) on processes of educational diversity in Spanish classrooms, exploring teachers' perceptions of the law and its effect on the inclusion of students with Special Educational Needs. Methodology: A qualitative phenomenological design was employed, using semi-structured interviews with teachers from educational institutions in the Community of Madrid. This methodological approach facilitated a profound understanding of participants' subjective experiences related to the studied phenomenon. Results: Participants expressed limited knowledge of the LOMLOE, citing insufficient specific training as a primary barrier to effective implementation of legislative norms. Most highlighted bureaucratic burden and inadequate resources as obstacles to inclusive attention to student diversity. Discussions: The findings underscore the need for continuous training and institutional support to ensure proper implementation of the LOMLOE. Conclusions: Overcoming perceived barriers among teachers is crucial to enhancing educational diversity attention and ensuring effective inclusion under the framework of the LOMLOE.


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Author Biographies

Laura Serrano, Francisco de Vitoria University

Quality Manager of the Faculty of Education at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and professor in the Degrees of Early Childhood, Primary, and Social Education (2023 – present). Teacher and Director of the Special Education School Cambrils (Arenales Network) (2009 - 2023). Ph.D. in Education from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2018), with Extraordinary Award and Recognition for the Best UAM Thesis 2018 in Inclusion and Society. Master’s Degree in Educational Center Management from Universidad Villanueva (2020). Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Education and Training from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2009). Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education Teaching, with a specialization in Therapeutic Pedagogy (2014) and a specialization in Foreign Language: English (2016) from Universidad Camilo José Cela. Diploma in Special Education Teaching from Universidad de Salamanca (2008).

Esther Vela Llauradó, Francisco de Vitoria University

Diploma in Special Education Teaching, Bachelor’s Degree in Psychopedagogy, Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Intervention, Master’s Degree in Innovation and Research in Education, Master’s Degree in Management and Quality Leadership of Educational Centers, and Ph.D. in Education. She has worked for over 10 years as a teacher in various Special Education centers. Currently, she serves as a professor in the Education degrees at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and is a member of the "Research Group on Education from the Perspective of Diversity, Inclusion, and Guidance." She is the Coordinator of the Diploma in Inclusive Diversity Centered on the Person, Coordinator of the Excellence in Teaching Program, and Coordinator of the Avanza Program for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities.

Laura Martín Martínez, Francisco de Vitoria University

Director of the Education Degrees at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Ph.D. in Educational Sciences. Bachelor's Degree in Psychopedagogy. Specialist in Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, Inclusive Schools, and Cooperative Learning. Member of GEIN: Education from the Perspective of Diversity, Inclusion, and Guidance.


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How to Cite

Serrano, L., Vela Llauradó, E., & Martín Martínez, L. (2025). The Impact of LOMLOE on Educational Diversity Attention Processes: Educators’ Perspectives. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–17.


