New Challenges of Post-Pandemic Virtual Education




ICT, pandemic, changes, teaching, teachings, challenges, experiences, pedagogic


Introduction: This study aims to investigate the pedagogical, technological and university context challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic in online teaching. Methodology: Interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) research as a relevant methodology for data analysis. Results: The results are presented in nine categories that aim to provide a concrete response to the challenges that teachers faced and the opportunity that arises from this change in the way of generating teaching and learning processes. Discussion: The results show that the majority of the teachers interviewed have a positive perception of the process, but with a high cost for both them and their students, in their quality of life due to the stress generated by confinement. Conclusions: The teacher had to take new directions and challenges that involved greater commitment, time, openness to new technological tools, they were times of adaptation, but also of learning, innovation and a one-way entry into the world ICT


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Author Biography

Rodrigo Criado Besoain, Universidad de las Américas

Social Worker, Specialising in Local Development - Degree in Social Work, Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez. Master in University Teaching. University of the Americas. Diploma in: Pedagogy for Higher Education, Pension Education, Intervention in Indigent Families and Postgraduate in Management and Local Development. She has worked in the areas of social policy and education, childhood and university teaching. He stands out in his career as regional director of Integra Foundation and Social Head of the Governorate of the Province of Talagante. He also has experience as an advisor to the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and municipal experience as Coordinator of the leadership office and Strengthening of Community Organisations. Currently Director of Social Work Career, Campus Santiago. UDLA.


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How to Cite

Criado Besoain, R. (2024). New Challenges of Post-Pandemic Virtual Education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.


