The influence of family factors on competent university learning: an approach through cluster analysis




Higher education, Family, Family factors, University students, Family supports, Competent learning, Cluster analysis


Introduction: The study presented here aims to explore the existence of groupings in the university population as a result of the influence that family factors exert on their competent learning. Methodology: To carry out an approach to the study phenomenon, the Questionnaire for the Evaluation of the Influence of Family Factors on the Learning of University Students (CEIFFAAU) was applied to a sample of 723 students belonging to the Education degrees of the University of Valencia (Social Education, Pedagogy, Early Childhood Teaching and Primary Teaching). To study the groupings, the K-means technique, typical of cluster analysis, was used. The variables used for this analysis correspond to the 12 subdimensions that make up the CEIFFAAU questionnaire. Results: The results obtained indicated the existence of three groups in which different levels of affectation by family factors in the competent learning process of university students are observed. Conclusions: The conclusions of the study warn that the family factors that most contribute to the differences between the clusters are affective-emotional support, family socioeconomic perception, communication interactions and ethical-moral support.


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Author Biographies

Verónica Riquelme Soto, University of Valencia

Assistant Professor at the Department of Comparative Education and History of Education at the University of Valencia. She has been Research Staff in Training in the Department of Theory of Education at the University of Valencia after obtaining the FPU grant. He studied the Degree in Social Education, followed by the Master's Degree in Social and Educational Action, which he completed with the Extraordinary Award for Academic Excellence.

She has done a stay at the London Metropolitan University and has completed her PhD studies in Education at the University of Valencia. Her lines of research focus on the family and child protection, together with the study of the ‘Learning to Learn’ competence in the framework of Higher Education.

Bernardo Gargallo López, University of Valencia

He is Professor of Theory of Education at the Universitat de València and director of GIPU-EA (Research Group on University Pedagogy and Teaching and Learning Strategies). His lines of research deal with educational processes and educational intervention in Higher Education, ICT and education and reflexivity-impulsivity. He has participated in 15 funded research projects, of which he has directed 11.

His latest R&D&I projects have focused on learning-centred methodologies at university, analysing their influence on student learning processes, and on the ‘Learning to Learn’ competence at university. He has won the First National Prize for Educational Research of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2000 and also in 2002 with research focused on learning strategies and education.

Paz Cánovas Leonhardt, University of Valencia

PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences from the University of Valencia. Lecturer in Theory of Education at the same University. Her teaching and research activity has focused primarily on the field of family education with theses on this subject, research projects and publications in journals and collective works.


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How to Cite

Riquelme Soto, V., Gargallo López, B., & Cánovas Leonhardt, P. (2024). The influence of family factors on competent university learning: an approach through cluster analysis. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.


