Policies and practices of social intervention in the contemporary context. Revisiting Ulrich Beck's theory and the risk society





contemporary world, economic logic, inequality, social intervention, social issues, social policy, risk society, Ulrich Beck


Introduction: Ulrich Beck's risk society theory is essential for understanding the problematics of social intervention in a changing world. It highlights risk management and social inequality as central elements, presenting challenges for social policy. Methodology: our analysis explores how these concepts can be applied in practice, addressing the difficulties and strategies needed in a dynamic environment. A theoretical review based on Beck's work has been carried out, complemented by contemporary case studies of intervention, as well as reports and statistics on inequality, job insecurity and social crises. Results and discussion: the results indicate that Beck's theory is useful for analysing current issues in social action, especially in terms of risk management, individualism, inequality, the demise of traditional institutions, reflexivity, social control and precarious work. Conclusions: Beck's theory provides a valuable framework for understanding and addressing the problematics of social intervention in a changing world. Managing risk, combating inequality, adapting to the privatisation of services, and developing reflexive and sustainable strategies are fundamental to improving society's capacity to cope with the risks of modernity.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Anta-Félez, University of Jaén

PhD in Social Anthropology from the Complutense University of Madrid and Professor at the University of Jaén. Vice-Dean of International Relations, Institutional Relations and Social Projection of the Faculty of Social Work. Member of the Acción Cost Decolonial of the EU. Visiting Professor at Universities in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, France or USA. He has conducted fieldwork in Spain and Latin America and is currently working on issues related to ethnography, epistemology and gender. Her works include: El sexo de los ángeles, Epistemología más allá de las redes, Segmenta antropológica, Fiesta, trabajo y creencia, La performatividad, el laboratorio y el arte, Coches, aviones y mochilas: imágenes movedizas de un mundo presente and Crítica de la razón universitaria.

Rubén Gregorio Pérez-García, University of Jaén

Teaching and research staff in pre-doctoral training at the University of Jaén. Graduate in Social Work, Master in Critical Analysis of Gender Inequalities and Comprehensive Intervention in Gender Violence and is currently completing an Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Migration Studies. Her lines of research focus on the interconnections between masculinities, drug use and gender violence from the perspective of Social Work in migration contexts. Member of the Research Group Care Management and Evaluation of Care Policies in Chronicity, Aging and Palliative Care and has conducted international research stays at the Università Degli Studi di Palermo and the Gino Germani Research Institute of the University of Buenos Aires.

María del Carmen Sánchez-Miranda, University of Jaén

PhD from the University of Jaén, Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology, Diploma in Social Work and Master in Social Education and Sociocultural Animation. Teaching and research staff of the Social Anthropology Area of the University of Jaén. Her research interests include gender mainstreaming applied to intervention with groups in situations of special vulnerability and through sociocultural practices. Member of the Research Group Studies in Society, Arts and Cultural Management, of the Official College of Social Work of Jaén, of the Association of Iberoamerican Anthropologists in Network, and of the Boards of Directors of the Seminar Women, Science and Society and the Iberoamerican Network of Research in Arts, Culture and Education for social transformation.


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How to Cite

Anta-Félez, J. L., Pérez-García, R. G., & Sánchez-Miranda, M. del C. (2024). Policies and practices of social intervention in the contemporary context. Revisiting Ulrich Beck’s theory and the risk society. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-695

