Teaching didactic competence with a communicative basis: Proposals around a study at the University during COVID-19





Didactic competence, Communication, COVID-19, Teaching, University, Teaching experience, Face-to- face modality, Virtual mode


Introduction: We present the results of a research study at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) on the didactic competence of university professors during the COVID-19 lockdown, focusing specifically on four variables with a communicative basis. The sample consisted of a total of 266 valid responses - 30.86% of UCAM's teaching staff. Results: The results show significant differences based on teaching experience, the mode of teaching delivered, and the number of students. Discussions: With more years of experience, a decrease in attention to students' needs can be perceived; it is also reflected that those who taught online classes before the pandemic subsequently showed a greater predisposition to attention and the search for motivating resources to improve participation in their virtual classes; likewise, with a higher number of students in the classroom, there is a lower willingness to interact with students. Conclusions: Communication with students and other teachers is essential but easily affected by factors such as teaching experience, teaching mode, or the number of students per classroom, factors that may go unnoticed but on which the quality of university teaching may depend.


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Author Biographies

Lina Mª Tomás Pastor, Saint Anthony Catholic University

She holds a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Pedagogy) from the University of Murcia, a PhD in Pedagogy from UNED, and a diploma in Religious Sciences from the University of Navarra. She also holds a Master's in Family Educational Guidance from UNIR. She has been teaching in the Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) since 2009, as well as in the Master's in Teacher Training (UCAM) and the Master's in Educational Management and Leadership (UCAM). She has participated in UCAM’s Own Research Plan Projects, is a member of the Quality Commission for the Primary Education Degree (UCAM), and has authored and co-authored several publications on educational topics. She is also the Coordinator of Personal Tutoring for the Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees (UCAM).

Sonia María Martínez Castro, University of La Rioja

PhD in Social and Health Sciences from San Antonio University of Murcia; Positively accredited by ANECA: Associate Professor and with a six-year research term. She holds a degree in Geography and History and a diploma in Teaching (University of Santiago de Compostela); Master's in Bioethics (UCAM). She has teaching experience in undergraduate, master's, and vocational training since 2010. She has held academic leadership positions since 2018, serving as Vice Dean of the Degrees in Early Childhood and Primary Education (2018-2022, UCAM) and Vocational Training (2018-2020, San Antonio de Murcia Vocational Training Institute). Currently, she is the Coordinator of the University Master's Degree in Higher Education Teaching (UNIR) and a professor in the same program (2022-present). She has publications related to the field of education and pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Tomás Pastor, L. M., & Martínez Castro, S. M. (2024). Teaching didactic competence with a communicative basis: Proposals around a study at the University during COVID-19. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-715

