Form, space, light and color: creative variables driving language and architectural project




architectural design, architectural graphic expression, architectural movements, architectural project, artistic methodology, artistic movements, creativity, visual language


Introduction: In the seventies, consolidated the architectural movements of the 20th century, experts such as Fernando Chueca indicated the need to strengthen an architectural language contributing to ancestral one —but current— generated in the classical ages. In this way, considering the harmony between architecture and the language that Charles Jencks associated to the postmodern movement. This research proposes a review of different graphic principles that contribute to the development of the project, pondering the architectural grammar formulated. Methodology: It proposes an analysis of the syntax and semantics, transcribed as morphology and narrative, introducing into the architectural project sequence by creative variables as form, space and —unified— light and its consequence, the color. Results: This methodology offers to the user´s experience the lineal and technological patterns developed by Foster, the monumental vertical spaces designed by Piano or the chromatic sensations of Ito's work. Discussions: The procedural dialogue promoted by these creative variables contribute to the development of the architectural paradigm. Conclusions: Architectural creation finds in its grammar, established as syntagms or creative variables, an experimental catalyst that connects the construction process with the perception of architectural work that it is transferred to the observer.


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Author Biography

Manuel Viñas Limonchi, Universidad San Jorge

PhD in Communication (2021) and PhD in Fine Arts (1999) from the University of Granada; currently pursuing a PhD in Architecture at the University of Zaragoza. He was a member of the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development, and Innovation (PAIDI) within the Architecture, Landscape, and Environmental Project group (UGR). Initially, his research focused on studying user-machine interaction methodologies specific to virtual reality, architecture, design, and related disciplines. Later, in the academic context, his work shifted toward the analysis of digital graphic procedures within the field of communication. Professionally, he has worked for companies such as FABRICATORS (Italy), developing interactive applications for projects related to virtual reality and electronic art.


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How to Cite

Viñas Limonchi, M. (2024). Form, space, light and color: creative variables driving language and architectural project. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

