Vodcasting, a new narrative for audiovisual journalism. The case of RTVE





vodcasting, audiovisual journalism, new audiovisual narratives, media, digital journalism, digital video, multiplatform, RTVE


Introduction: The consumption of audiovisual content is increasingly growing among users, especially young people, who prefer new narratives and formats for information and entertainment. One of these formats is vodcasting, a technology that has been less studied by the academy than others such as podcasting, despite the existence of projects at the media level, for example. The aim of this research is to analyse a specific case, the video podcasts of RTVE. Methodology: We have carried out a content analysis of three vodcasts, examinig their content, the journalistic genres, the image, the sound, the graphic and textual resources and the structure. Results: The vodcasts analysed focus on a variety of topics linked to entertainment, using journalistic genres such as interviews and talk shows. And, in addition, they usually present a good audiovisual production, thanks to the synergies with RTVE. Discussions: But the sound and image quality is not always correct, and sometimes video podcasts have limited production and post-production, missing out on more audiovisual opportunities. Conclusions: Initiatives such as this one offer new narrative possibilities for audiovisual journalism, opening the way for other media that favour these formats to reach new consumers.


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Author Biography

Manuel J. Cartes-Barroso, University of Seville

Professor of the Department of Journalism II at the University of Seville and member of the Research Group of Analysis and Technique of Information (GIATI) of the University of Seville. Degree in Journalism and PhD in Communication (2014) with international mention from the University of Seville. Master in Corporate Communication Arts (Universidad San Pablo-CEU). He has carried out research stays at universities in Spain, Italy and Portugal. She has participated in numerous national and international symposiums and congresses with papers and communications. His lines of research focus on the study of journalism, corporate communication, information on religious events, Internet social networks and branded journalistic content.


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How to Cite

Cartes-Barroso, M. J. (2024). Vodcasting, a new narrative for audiovisual journalism. The case of RTVE. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-726

