Rational versus emotional products in the Eco food category. A packaging study using neuromarketing





Consumer behavior, Eye Tracking, EEG, Neuromarketing, organic products, packaging, emotional, rational


Introduction: Society is changing in values and consumption, with a greater emphasis on health. Consumers are looking for healthy and sustainable foods, such as organic products, that respect the environment and their well-being. This paper investigates how consumers interact with packaging.in my opinion, the paper should be accepted. Methodology: Experiment with a group of 30 young people, through neuromarketing tools (Eye Tracking and EEG), to test if there are differences in the areas of interest of packaging in Eco foods, functional (milk) versus emotional (chocolate). Results: Eye Tracking indicates that individuals focus their attention primarily on the Eco features of both products. They stay longer and view the Eco content of the emotional product more often and consider the brand dispensable in both products. EEG shows greater brain performance when handling the products and greater emotional connection than when viewing the products on screen. Discussion and conclusions: For the recordings done with EEG biometry, the values are higher for the emotional product, so there is a better perception of the Eco chocolate packaging compared to the Eco milk packaging (on an emotional level) when handling the product, than with Eye Tracking.


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Author Biographies

Carmen María Carrillo-González, Saint Anthony Catholic University

Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business at UCAM. She has extensive teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate studies, having been part of the University as an exclusive professor since 2017. She has also been linked to the University, performing functions in the areas of marketing and communication, since 2013. Her interest in communication, marketing and consumer behavior has led her to develop a line of research based on the science of neuromarketing that began professionally with the reading of the doctoral thesis in 2017, and continues with participation in numerous research projects both nationally and internationally. She has also been invited to participate in different publications, conferences, books, book chapters, mainly in the field of communication, marketing, teaching innovation.

María Concepción Parra-Meroño, Saint Anthony Catholic University

Professor at a University accredited by ANECA. She has extensive teaching and research experience in the field of marketing and communication, with three six-year terms awarded by the CNEAI. She has published in high-impact journals, JCR and SJR and is the author of several monographs in prestigious publishers. Her contributions to the Journal of Marketing Management, Personal Ubiquitous Computer, Industrial Marketing Management, Ried, Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa, Historia y Comunicación Social, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, Estudios sobre Educación, Cuadernos de Turismo, Vivat Academia, Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI, among others, stand out. She has directed research projects and contracts with companies.

David Juárez-Varón, Polytechnic University of Valencia

Professor accredited by ANECA. He has extensive teaching and research experience in the field of marketing, communication, neuromarketing and neuroentrepreneurship, with two six-year terms. Double PhD, in Engineering (Universitat Politècnica de València) and in Economics, Business and Society (University of Alicante). He has published in high-impact journals, JCR and SJR and is the author of several monographs in prestigious publishers. President of the III Ibero-American Congress of Neuromarketing and member of the editorial committee of a JCR Q1 journal linked to entrepreneurship. He has directed research projects and contracts with companies.

Marta Gandía-Sabater, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business at UCAM. She has extensive experience in teaching undergraduate studies, working exclusively at the university since 2021. She specializes in digital marketing, an area in which she has developed a solid career. Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in Social Sciences, focusing her research on neuromarketing and consumer behavior. Her dedication to this field has allowed her to attend and actively participate in national conferences, where she has shared her knowledge and findings, contributing to the advancement of her area of ​​​​specialization.


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How to Cite

Carrillo-González, C. M., Parra-Meroño, M. C., Juárez-Varón, D., & Gandía-Sabater, M. (2024). Rational versus emotional products in the Eco food category. A packaging study using neuromarketing. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-786


