
Knowledge about sex education and pornography consumption among future educators


  • Andrea Andrea Gutiérrez García Universidad de La Rioja



sex education, teachers, pornography, pre-primary education, primary education, education laws, curriculum, training


Numerous international organizations point out the need to implement sex education in a transversal way in the educational system in order to prevent risky behaviors and promote adequate sexual and reproductive health. However, and despite the fact that the latest educational reform -LOMLOE- also includes it, it is still not part of the curriculum. In this study, a questionnaire was administered to 388 students of the Bachelor's Degree in Education at the University of La Rioja to find out if they had received training in sex education throughout their life and to examine their consumption of pornography. The results indicate that the training of future teachers in sexual matters is scarce, and often the information available to them comes from informal sources. On the other hand, pornography consumption is common and regular, especially in the case of men. This knowledge deficit can lead to the implementation of sex education programs that are not evidence-based, with subsequent consequences for health and social well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to train teachers, ensuring that they can transmit knowledge competently.


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How to Cite

Andrea Gutiérrez García, A. (2024). spanish: Knowledge about sex education and pornography consumption among future educators. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Research articles