Mindfulness and communication: research on inattention and multitasking as determinants of impulsive communicative behavior





mindfulness, impulsive, communication, inattention, multitasking, mindful attention, ; emotional regulation, presence, interpersonal interactions


Introduction: This research examines the relationship between mindfulness practice and impulsive communication, focusing on inattention and multitasking. In our society, it is common to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, such as eating while watching television or typing on a computer while listening to music. This multitasking extends to communication, leading to a state of continuous partial attention and increased susceptibility to irrelevant stimuli, negatively impacting communicative processes. Methodology: The methodology includes a comprehensive review of the existing literature on mindfulness and its effects on attention and communicative behavior. Results: Preliminary findings indicate that mindfulness significantly reduces inattention and multitasking, promoting greater awareness and control in communicative responses. This can have profound implications for improving communication skills in various contexts. Discussions: The discussion considers how mindfulness enhances self-regulation and individuals' ability to remain present during interactions, reducing interruptions and misunderstandings. Conclusions: The conclusions highlight the importance of integrating mindfulness into communication skills development programs, offering practical strategies to improve the quality of human interactions through mindfulness.


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Author Biography

José Jesús Vargas Delgado, European University of Madrid

Professor of Advertising and Transpersonal Communication at the European University (2022). Six-year research period awarded by ANECA (2020). Accredited PhD in Persuasive Communication (2012). Director of the Advertising degree (2021-2022). Director of the Master's Degree in Marketing and Communication at the European University (2016). Dean of the European University of the Canary Islands (UEC) (2012-2014). Director of the Department of Advertising and Contents at the European University (2002-2012). 25 years of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience, he has taught multiple subjects related to the areas: Creativity, Verbal and non-verbal communication, Oratory, Persuasive Communication, Transpersonal Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Strategy, Leadership, Management Skills, Mindfulness, Workplace well-being and healthy organizations. He has carried out multiple external collaborations as an expert guest professor with many institutions. He has made more than 78 scientific publications. He has participated in more than 57 national and international scientific conferences. He has directed 6 defended doctoral theses. Mindfulness consultant at the Onelife clinic (2017-2022).


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How to Cite

Vargas Delgado, J. J. (2024). Mindfulness and communication: research on inattention and multitasking as determinants of impulsive communicative behavior. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-798



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