Human factor and quality of ceramic tile. Case study. Zacatecas, Mexico




Quality, Compensation, Human factor, Intangible, Managerial, Middle management, Ceramic tile, Tangible


Introduction: Quality is a frequent concept in the administrative field. It is estimated that the human factor affects the quality of a product, service or process. Objective: to investigate the human factor variables (tangible and intangible) that affect the final quality of the ceramic tile of the manufacturing organization (Cesantoni) located in Zacatecas, Mexico. Methodology: For the tangible, records were taken for 56 months; For the intangible, an organizational efficiency survey (EFO, Fernández-Ríos, 1997) was applied to middle and managerial managers (n=63). Results: Active workers, disabilities due to work risk, dismissals, overtime and conflicts were tangible variables that affect quality. The training and development of members, salaries and wages, participation and interpersonal skills were the intangibles that affect the quality of the tile. Discussions: Attention was paid to the human factor due to the complexity of the workers' response to the compensation system, but also due to the context in which the organization is located. Conclusions: Training can have a positive impact on the management of: absenteeism, disabilities due to illness and work risk; The above coincides with what was stated by Batra (2002) and Tant and López (2003).


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Author Biographies

Oscar Pérez Veyna, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas"

Research Professor of the Doctoral Programme in Development Studies and the Doctoral Programme in Administration. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNII) and has publications in national and international journals; he is an evaluator of the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technology (CONAHCyT). His areas of interest are: Local, regional development and sustainable tourism, Organisational Studies, Ecosystem Services, Migration.

Zayra Jovita Avelar Llamas, Cesantoni

Master and Doctor in Administration. Responsible for the ESR (Socially Responsible Company) programme at Cesantoni.


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How to Cite

Pérez Veyna, O., & Avelar Llamas, Z. J. (2024). Human factor and quality of ceramic tile. Case study. Zacatecas, Mexico. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19.

