Practical Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Teaching: The Case of Multimedia Design Engineering




artificial intelligence, teaching, education, case study, generative artificial intelligence, academic productivity, higher education, multimedia design engineering


Introduction: Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has impacted various fields, significantly improving productivity. In education, teachers perform multiple tasks that may limit the attention given to each one. GAI can optimize these functions, allowing teachers to focus on higher-value activities. Methodology: A mixed methodology was used, combining exploratory and applied approaches, highlighting students' perceptions of GAI use in teaching activities in order to examine the practical applications and perception of GAI in higher education teaching to assess its implementation feasibility. Results: The results indicate that the integration of GAI in teaching is feasible, with a generally positive perception from students and teachers towards these technologies. Discussion: GAI can improve learning and optimize educational tasks such as creating materials, activities, and rubrics. However, there are concerns about the reliability and ethics of the generated content, and the potential dehumanization of the educational process. Conclusions: GAI in education enhances efficiency, motivation, and personalization of learning. Although well-received, a balanced integration with clear regulations and ethical training is essential, ensuring it complements - but does not replace - the teaching role.


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Author Biographies

César Octavio Guerra Guerrero, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Professor at the Universidad Autónoma del Carmen (UNACAR) in Mexico for the Multimedia Design Engineering educational program in the Faculty of Information Sciences. Focused on software development and multimedia applications, developing research lines related to human-computer interaction, software development, artificial intelligence, education, 3D modeling and animation.

Benjamín Tass Herrera , Universidad Autónoma del Carmen

Full Time Professor at UNACAR, Manager of Multimedia Design Engineering, Member of the CA of Computer Science, development in the research line of Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia Development Consultant, User Experience Developer, Digital Media Producer, 3D modeler and animator, developer of interactive multimedia projects.


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How to Cite

Guerra Guerrero, C. O., & Tass Herrera , B. (2024). Practical Applications of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Teaching: The Case of Multimedia Design Engineering. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Research and Artificial Intelligence