Psychosocial risks and teleworking in Europe. Challenges facing sustainable development and quality of employment from a capabilities approach




psychosocial risks, teleworking, sustainable development, capacity for well-being, capacity for agency, gender, legal capacities, quality of work


Introduction: Information and communication technologies are basic tools for teleworking and are associated with an increase in psychosocial risks. Based on this problem, the general objective is to analyse indicators on teleworking and psychosocial risks, highlighting gender differences and differences between European countries. Methodology: To do so, the analysis of quantitative secondary sources from Eurofound (European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions) reports is used. They are interpreted using the theoretical approaches of the capabilities approach and Sustainable Development Goal 8. Results: It is highlighted that psychosocial risks in teleworking limit freedoms and hinder Sustainable Development Goal 8 regarding the quality of employment. The most significant findings indicate that women are more disadvantaged, and that the differences between countries in psychosocial risks are not necessarily determined by the total number of teleworkers or the economic development of the country, but by how the country manages teleworking by making use of technologies that are less harmful to the worker. Discussion and Conclusions: Clear management criteria or regulatory instruments are therefore necessary to guarantee these freedoms in the field of teleworking


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Author Biographies

María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz, University of Cádiz

Associate Professor in the area of Sociology, Department of General Economics at the University of Cadiz. She has published on training policy for employment and on Amartya Sen's capabilities approach, also applied to training policies and the field of work. He has enjoyed research stays at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 2016, at the Institute of Advanced Social Studies of the Center for Sociological Research in Cordoba (Spain) and at the Education School of the University of Nottingham in Great Britain in the summer of 2023.

María José Foncubierta Rodríguez, University of Cádiz

Associate Professor, Accredited University Professor, in Business Organization, UCA. She has developed research, teaching and management functions since joining the university. Specialized in leadership for psychosocially healthy organizations and well-being at work (SDG-8/ODS-3). Transfers results through publications (WoS, Scopus, etc.), scientific forums and mass media. Co-author of the Intellectual Property: “La Ruta de la Tapa Feliz”. Other transfers to the environment are: (1) collaboration with the City Council of Algeciras (projects Algeciras Digital Challenge European Union, and Agenda 2020), (2) evaluator in R+D+i Awards of the Technological Campus Foundation, Algeciras. She is co-director of three defended doctoral theses, and four theses in progress. She is PI of the Research Group SEJ-058 of the PAIDI, Junta de Andalucía.


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How to Cite

Carvajal Muñoz, M. R., & Foncubierta Rodríguez, M. J. (2024). Psychosocial risks and teleworking in Europe. Challenges facing sustainable development and quality of employment from a capabilities approach. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.



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