The use of emerging technologies in educational practice




virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, Emerging technologies, educational practice, faculty, technological resources, training


Introduction: In recent years, emerging technologies (virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, immersive reader, artificial intelligence, etc.) have been introduced into educational practice at different levels, making it necessary for centers to have the necessary infrastructure and for teachers to be trained. Methodology: This study aims to understand the needs, digital skills and attitudes of teachers in the use and management of emerging technologies with practical application in the classroom, benefiting all students in general, and particularly those with special educational needs. To this end, a questionnaire (Likert scale) was developed focusing on the didactic aspects involved in the use of emerging technologies in the classroom. The questionnaire has a reliability of Cronbach's alpha, α = 0.86. This pilot study was conducted with 64 teachers. Results: Didactically, the possibilities of emerging technologies are unquestionable, according to 51.6% of the participants. Discussions: Although it seems evident that their use has a positive impact on the teaching-learning process, reality shows that there are still certain reluctances and limitations. Conclusions: It is necessary to encourage teachers to undergo training in emerging technologies, and updating their digital skills.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz F. Núñez Angulo, University of Burgos

Professor of Didactics and School Organization (DOE), Department of Educational Sciences. PhD in Educational Sciences from the University of Burgos. Member of the Interfaculty Research Group Dinper (Personalized Inclusive Design), with teaching experience at all educational levels from Early Childhood Education to University since 1986. She has held various leadership and management positions within and outside the University. She is currently Director of the DOE Area. She has tutored different Degree and Master's Degree Final Projects. She participates in the Mentor Program. She has given courses and lectures in different Spanish and Foreign Universities, participated in the Erasmus Mundus program in 2014. He coordinates the Erasmus with the Uniwersytet Jagielloñski in Krakow (Poland). PI of EURODDIP-e project, ERASMUS+ project.

Rosa Mª Santamaría Conde, University of Burgos

TENURED UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR. She has a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences and a PhD in Pedagogy. For eleven years she has worked as a civil servant teacher at different levels of compulsory education and in Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance Teams. Currently, she is a Professor at the University of Burgos in the Area of Didactics and School Organization. She has published several articles in specialized journals, including some books, the last two of which are Organización y planificación escolar and Organizar centros escolares, both published by Síntesis. Her latest research has focused on higher education in the European space, education in values, attention to disability, organization, management and direction of educational centers, as well as emerging technologies (augmented reality and virtual reality) and their implication in schools. She is director of the DINper research group (Personalized Inclusive Design). Among her management activities, she has been secretary of the Department of Educational Sciences for more than eight years, and for two terms she has been director of the Department. She is currently coordinator of the Master's Degree in Inclusive Education and Society.


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How to Cite

Núñez Angulo, B. F., & Santamaría Conde, R. M. (2024). The use of emerging technologies in educational practice. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.




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