STEAM art education in university education. Creative robotics for visual and digital literacy




artistic educational methodologies, STEAM, visual literacy, digital literacy, university education, creative robotics, scratch, critical thinking


Introduction: Faced with a digitalised society that demands educational proposals that incorporate visual literacy and ICT in the classroom, this research project was born with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of a STEAM audiovisual educational programme aimed at improving students' audiovisual and digital skills. Methodology: In this study, students of the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (N=67) create storytelling using digital illustration and creative robotics (Scratch) to reflect on the challenges of today's society. A methodology based on Visual Arts and STEAM Project Based Learning is applied. Data is collected through a standardised pre- and post-training questionnaire and a rubric for the evaluation of the interactive video animations created by the students. Results: The results show differences between the pre- and post-training questionnaires, improvements in attitude and knowledge after the training. The evaluation of the interactive video animations shows an improvement in the audiovisual and digital competences and critical skills of the trainees. Discussions: The research shows the effectiveness of interdisciplinary learning based on Visual Arts and STEAM pedagogy, but also the need for further research into new methodologies to meet the challenges of society.


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Author Biographies

Pilar Manuela Soto Solier, University of Granada

Pilar Manuela Soto Solier is Permanent Associate Professor at the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Granada. She holds a PhD in Visual Arts from the University of Granada. Her main lines of research focus on innovation and educational research based on contemporary art; the design and implementation of artistic and technological educational programs based on STEAM pedagogy (Education-art-robotics). Educational research based on visual and audiovisual arts for the development of critical and creative thinking oriented to social and personal awareness and transformation.

Verónica Villena Soto, University of Granada

Verónica Villena Soto has a degree in Primary Education with a specialization in Special Education (Therapeutic Pedagogy) and a Master in Research, Social Development and Socio-educational Intervention from the University of Granada (Spain). Her main line of research focuses on the design and implementation of socio-educational interventions of inclusion and diversity aimed at people with Special Educational Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder) through STEAM pedagogy. As well as the design and creation of specific interactive digital educational materials adapted to the needs of these people.


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How to Cite

Soto Solier, P. M., & Villena Soto, V. (2024). STEAM art education in university education. Creative robotics for visual and digital literacy. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.




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