AI in Higher Education: Shaping More Competitive and Employable Professionals




Artificial Intelligence (AI), Employability, Educational Innovation, Active Methodologies, Curricular Integration, Higher Education, Job Market, Professional Future


Introduction: The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in university curricula is key to enhancing the employability of graduates. This study aims to evaluate the integration of these tools in university degrees by analyzing successful case studies of their implementation. The use of innovative methodologies and their effectiveness in specific subjects will be examined in comparison to more traditional methods. Methodology: A mixed qualitative and quantitative methodology will be used. The sample will include 50 subjects selected from the 114 degrees offered at the university. Surveys and in-depth interviews with professors and students will be conducted to evaluate their experiences. Results and Discussion: The research is currently in the design phase and the launch of surveys. The project will be carried out over the 2024-2025 academic year. The first available results will be in the first half of 2025. Interviews will be conducted in a second phase of the project. Conclusions: It is anticipated that the effective integration of AI tools in university curricula will significantly improve students' preparation for the job market through active methodologies. The research will evaluate the effectiveness and challenges of this integration.


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Author Biographies

María Jesús Lago Ávila , Universidad San Pablo CEU

Head of the CEU Alumni Service, Director of the CEU Center for Transition Studies, Coordinator of the GPS Mentoring Program, she is a member of the URByTUR research group at UAM and the TALENTO group at CEU. She has been a member of the AURS group at CEU until 2023. She was a member of the HABITAT advisory committee (Spanish group) for the United Nations. Professor certified in Soft skills by the University of North Carolina (USA). She has been part, as a researcher, of eight nationally competitive research projects of the Ministry of Education and Science and has made teaching stays abroad as a teacher and researcher at Johns Hopkins University (USA) and Utrecht University (Netherlands).

Mónica Pérez Hurtado, Universidad San Pablo CEU

Co-founder of Experience Ahead, Edtech that drives professional reinvention. Learning Facilitator at MIT Professional Education. Speaker in different forums. Management Mentor. Partner of Wa4steam, an association that invests in STEAM start ups led by women. She began her career as a Manager in the American consulting firm HayGroup, and later led strategic projects at Pfizer. She has been Director of Recruitment at Barclays Bank Spain, HR Director at N2S and Headhunter.


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How to Cite

Lago Ávila , M. J., & Pérez Hurtado, M. (2024). AI in Higher Education: Shaping More Competitive and Employable Professionals. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



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