Experience and educational practices: Perceptions of secondary school mathematics teachers in Melilla





experience, teaching, educational practices, learning, management, training, mathematics, secondary school


Introduction: Mathematics teaching requires solid teacher professional development and a deep understanding of educational practices. Methodology: The quantitative and cross-sectional study used a closed questionnaire, addressed to 73 secondary and high school mathematics teachers in Melilla, with a final sample of 61 teachers. The questionnaire, distributed via Google Forms, included 107 questions in 23 indicators and 5 dimensions. Results: Experience influenced students' awareness of common errors, being higher in teachers with more years of teaching. No significant differences were found in the evaluation of student learning according to experience. Teachers with more experience showed greater skills in organizing classroom dynamics. Discussion: Experience improves the identification and management of common errors and classroom organization. However, assessment of learning does not vary significantly with experience, suggesting other influential factors. Conclusions: Teaching experience is important in mathematics teaching, but continuing education is essential for all teachers to ensure effective, high-quality teaching.


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Author Biographies

Nabil Mohamed-Chemlali, National University of Distance Education

Graduated in Physics from the University of Murcia and with a Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching from the University of Granada. Currently, I am studying for a PhD in Education at the UNED and I work as a teacher of secondary education, teaching Mathematics subjects in a public high school.

Hassan Hossein-Mohand, National University of Distance Education

Degree in Physical Sciences from the UNED in 2003. Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude in 2003, Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention from the University Francisco de Vitoria in 2014 and Doctorate in Education from the UAM in 2021 with International Mention, Cum Laude qualification and pending extraordinary award. Since 1996 he has developed his professional activity in the field of education. In 2004 he joined the body of Secondary Education Teachers teaching Mathematics in the institutes of Melilla until today. Since 2008 he is Professor-Tutor of the Associated Center of the UNED of Melilla teaching the subjects of Physics of the Degree of Mathematics with venia in Physical Bases of the Environment of the degree in Environmental Sciences, Fundamentals of Physics I and II of the Degree in Physics.

Hossein Hossein-Mohand, University of Granada

Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics of Mathematics of the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences of Melilla, University of Granada. Degree in Physical Sciences from the UNED and PhD in 2021 in the “Doctorate in Education” program at the Autonomous University of Madrid. The thesis obtained the International Mention, Cum Laude qualification. He brings a continuous experience since 2008 as a teacher-tutor at the UNED Center of Melilla of various subjects of the Degrees of Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. In addition, he was a teacher of Mathematics in Secondary Education from 2005 to 2022. He participates in several R+D+i projects financed in competitive calls of public and private administrations and entities.

Sara Osuna-Acedo, National University of Distance Education

Graduated in 1979 from the Complutense University of Madrid (University School of Ciudad Real). Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences in 1989 by the UNED. Her lines of research focus on MOOC (sMOOC and tMOOC), media convergence, inclusive digital scenarios, disability and design for all, digital learning and social networks. She has held the position of Coordinator of Institutional Courses for three years and has been Deputy Vice Rector for Lifelong Learning for four years. Currently, she is a University Professor in the area of Communication and Education at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). In 2004, she obtained her PhD in Education from the same institution.


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How to Cite

Mohamed-Chemlali, N., Hossein-Mohand, H., Hossein-Mohand, H., & Osuna-Acedo, S. (2024). Experience and educational practices: Perceptions of secondary school mathematics teachers in Melilla. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-861


