Cross-border collaboration and participation: Views from Children and Youth in Spain, Andorra and France




cross-border collaboration, youth empowerment, community participation, cultural diversity, knowledge sharing, capacity building, technical assistance, cross-border community


Introduction: Cross-border collaboration is essential to address shared social and economic challenges. This study analyses a cross-border project called “Programa Transfronterizo de Participación de las Personas”, which seeks to empower individuals and address local needs through collaboration between Spain, France and Andorra. Methodology: A qualitative methodology was used, including 58 in-depth interviews, 8 focus groups, participant observation and document analysis, capturing perspectives from young people, activists, practitioners and managers. Results: The findings highlight the importance of incorporating youth voices in shaping and evaluating initiatives. They also highlight the challenges and opportunities of cross-border collaboration and the impact of cultural differences on the implementation of these initiatives. Discussion: International collaboration is key to knowledge sharing, capacity building and technical assistance. Understanding cultural complexities is critical for effective collaboration. Conclusions: The project not only addresses local needs, but also empowers people, fostering a sense of cross-border community.


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Author Biographies

Lorena Valencia-Galvez, University of Barcelona

Interim Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Researcher María Zambrano, Universitat de Barcelona, PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Master in Anthropology from the University of Chile, Degree in Social Work. She has been director of the Journal Cuaderno de Trabajo Social in Chile. Director of the Department and School of Social Work at the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile.

María Antonia Buenaventura-Rubio, University of Barcelona

Coordinator Grup Innovació Docent en Treball Social Trans@net. Collaborating Professor, Doctor of Education & Society, Universitat de Barcelona, Master in Community Social Pedagogy: Leadership of Socio-educational Transformation. Diploma in Social Work.


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How to Cite

Valencia-Galvez, L., & Buenaventura-Rubio, M. A. (2024). Cross-border collaboration and participation: Views from Children and Youth in Spain, Andorra and France. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



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