Language and Interpretation in Gottfried Leibniz's Notion of Probability




Leibniz, probability, language, hermeneutics, monad, reality, model, appropriation of meaning


Introduction: The objective of this study is to examine how probability can be employed to comprehend interpretations and meanings in not only mathematical but also philosophical and linguistic contexts from a Leibnizian perspective. Methodology: The research is developed following a predominantly theoretical and analytical methodology. The study follows a hermeneutic approach that determines conceptions from the interpretative dialectic of reference texts. Results: The degree of essence reports an ontological datum to the subject, which is encapsulated under the precise and controlled status of number.  In light of the multifaceted meanings and polysemy of language, it is imperative that the mathematical representation of hermeneutics be comprehensive. This is because the number, as an ontological extract, provides a glimpse into the reality that lies beyond the limits of language. Discussions: Probability not only assists in the mathematical modeling of reality, but also enables the comprehension and prediction of behaviors and outcomes in contexts where absolute certainty is unattainable. Conclusions: The conceptual analysis reflects the intertwining of probability and philosophy, particularly through the figure and work of Leibniz.


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Author Biographies

Helmer Quintero Núñez, Colombia Adventist University

Doctor in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB), with the thesis "Improbable Hermeneutics: Concerns Regarding Technē in the Grasp of Meaning." Full professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Theology of the Universidad Adventista de Colombia (UNAC). He participates in research projects on Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Language.

Gelver Pérez Pulido, Colombia Adventist University

She is currently a PhD student in Educational Sciences with emphasis in Research, Evaluation and Formulation of Educational Projects at the Metropolitan University of Education, Science and Technology - UMECIT. He obtained his Master's degree in education in 2015. He currently serves as coordinator of the Master's Degree in Education at the Corporación Universitaria Adventista, Medellín - Colombia. Most of his research career was carried out as coordinator of the research center in education in this same university institution, as well as leader of the research group called: Pedagogy, Culture and Society, which is recognized and categorized by Minciencias, in Colombia.

Andrés Álvarez-García, National Autonomous University of Mexico

PhD student in Science at the Physics Institute of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Master’s degree in Chemical Sciences from UNAM. Chemist from the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) and Bachelor in Theology from the Universidad Adventista de Colombia (UNAC). He participates in projects related to theoretical chemistry and philosophy of science.


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How to Cite

Quintero Núñez, H., Pérez Pulido, G., & Álvarez-García, A. (2024). Language and Interpretation in Gottfried Leibniz’s Notion of Probability. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



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