Voices that resonate: Building an agenda for children's rights in Juliaca-Peru





Participation, citizenship, children, rights, empowerment, violence, job, inclusive policies


Introduction: This study involved 120 representatives of School Municipalities in Juliaca, Peru, with the objective of listening to their opinions on critical issues such as violence against children, child labor and children's rights, in order to build an agenda that promotes their rights. Methodology: A qualitative methodology was used based on playful and participatory activities, such as games and group discussions, allowing children to express their perceptions and proposals to address these problems. Results: The results highlight the importance of child participation in the formulation of solutions, the need for inclusive and preventive policies, and the empowerment of children as agents of change. Discussion: The study underscores the relevance of guaranteeing children's rights to be heard and taken into account in decisions that affect their well-being, and how their participation is key to building a more just future. Conclusions: It is essential to foster children's civic participation throughout their development, ensuring their active role in creating a more equitable society.


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Author Biographies

Diana Pasaca Apaza, National University of Juliaca

Lawyer, Master and Doctor in Law, with a solid academic and professional career. She currently teaches full time at the National University of Juliaca, and has taught both undergraduate and graduate classes at prestigious institutions. She is a committed activist and advocate for human rights, focusing on supporting vulnerable groups, including women, children and people with disabilities. She is active in research and advocacy networks and groups, and has contributed to the field of law and human rights with the publication of several books and research articles.

Ingrid Rossana Rodríguez Chokewanca, National University of Juliaca

Bachelor's Degree in Administration with a Master's Degree in Accounting and Administrative Sciences and a Doctorate in Administration from Universidad Nacional de San Agustín. Currently, she is a full-time professor at the National University of Juliaca, with undergraduate and graduate experience at the National University of San Agustin and the Peruvian Union University. She has held positions as Coordinator of EAP in Administration, Coordinator of INCUBEM, and Coordinator of the Research axis at Universidad Peruana Unión. She worked as Administrative Assistant and Marketing Advisor at Empresa Mercantil Comercial del Perú and at the Financial Resources Department of SEDAJULIACA. Member of several networks and research groups, she has published books and articles. At the National University of Juliaca, she was Director of University Welfare, Secretary General and Director of Innovation and Technology Transfer. Director of the Professional School of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Pasaca Apaza, D., & Rodríguez Chokewanca, I. R. (2024). Voices that resonate: Building an agenda for children’s rights in Juliaca-Peru. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-876



Research articles