Research skills in formal education: a systematic and bibliometric review




educational research, holistic training, research skills, research competencies, systematic review, formal education, bibliometrics, skills development


Introduction: Research is a fundamental pillar in the quality of teaching and learning. Therefore, it is necessary to identify current trends in the development of skills, abilities, and competencies for the advancement of investigative processes among both teachers and students at various educational levels. This understanding drives teaching through the analysis, systematic organization of knowledge, and academic-scientific production from the earliest educational stages. Methodology: The search was conducted through scientific mapping and following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses – PRISMA 2020 report. A comprehensive search was carried out with inclusion and exclusion criteria in academic databases using search equations focused on research skills, abilities, and competencies in formal education. Results: The findings present trends in scientific production, the most representative authors, journal rankings, and highlight the types of research competencies that allow for reflection and reconsideration of the investigative process itself.


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Author Biographies

Jeniffer Ximena Vega Fajardo, Colombia Adventist University

Master in Education with a major in Educational Psychology, Specialist in Psychosocial Interventions. She is a research professor of the Pedagogy, Culture and Society Research Group of the Adventist University Corporation, with extensive university teaching experience. She has been tutor of research groups, advisor of projects and thesis, has participated in research nodes such as the Good Start Interuniversity Network, has been director of psychosocial intervention projects, is author and co-author of research articles, has collaborated as a member of the evaluation committee of the journal “Pensamiento Americano” of the American University Corporation. She has received institutional recognition for her contribution to the categorization of the research group: Pedagogy, Culture and Society and is currently recognized in Colciencias as a Junior Researcher.

Sonia Lucía Vargas Amézquita, Colombia Adventist University

Master in Educational Neuropsychology, Specialist in Pedagogy and Classroom Research. She is a research professor of the Pedagogy, Culture and Society Research Group of the Adventist University Corporation, with extensive university teaching experience.
She has been advisor of projects and graduate and post graduate thesis, has participated in research nodes such as the Good Start Interuniversity Network, has been director of research lines in Cognitive Development and Pedagogy and Childhood, is author and co-author of research articles, has participated in Minciencias as evaluator of research projects. She has received recognition from the Institution for her research trajectory in the Pedagogy, Culture and Society group and is currently recognized in Colciencias as a Junior Researcher.


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How to Cite

Vega Fajardo, J. X., & Vargas Amézquita, S. L. (2024). Research skills in formal education: a systematic and bibliometric review. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.



Research articles