Cinema, a tool for social change




social change, cinema, individuals, society, persuasion, values, opinions, language


Introduction: Cinema has survived the recent changes in the audiovisual paradigm and continues to be one of the most important cultural industries. Therefore, it is necessary to review the effects that it can generate in society to update knowledge. This study aims to approach the concept of cinema as a generator of social change. Methodology: A qualitative methodology has been used, based on discourse analysis, using the tool of focus groups. To give relevance to the study, a careful selection of the participants has been made, all of them with extensive knowledge of the subject and diverse profiles to enrich the discourse. Results: As the main results of the research, it can be concluded that cinema is capable of generating social changes, that these begin in individuals, but that they represent the germ of future changes at a social level. Discussions: A limitation of the study is the ability to reflect the cultural differences of different countries. The results of the study can be applied to an audience of average cultural level, and do not reflect the particularities of other types of audiences. Conclusions: Cinema is a powerful tool, capable of generating social change and is not an innocent agent.


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Author Biography

Ana Furió Alarcón, Complutense University of Madrid

She holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Europea de Madrid and a PhD in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Professionally, she has worked in audiovisual content production for various production companies and as a teacher of film directing and audiovisual production at the film school Metrópolis C.E. In the academic field, she has directed master's theses at the International University of La Rioja in the Master's Degree in Inclusive and Intercultural Education, as well as in the Master's Degree in Educational Technology and Digital Competences. She has participated in national and international conferences and her main lines of research focus on film and new technologies applied to education.


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How to Cite

Furió Alarcón, A. (2024). Cinema, a tool for social change. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–17.


