Application of the teaching of Comparative Literature and Linguistics in L1 and L2 through the texts of Franz Grillparzer and Lope de Vega




german, context, Grillparzer, Comparative Literature, Lope de Vega, Spanish Golden Age, L2


Introduction: The following article addresses different issues related to the study of Comparative Literature in German and Spanish through two relevant manuscripts in the literary production of Lope de Vega and Franz Grillparzer. Methodology: Both writings will be the starting points to design a learning process based on the comparison of both languages, which promotes the acquisition of new linguistic structures and content around the study of both literary currents, strengthening the critical approach. Results: The analysis of our training sessions provide significant results that demonstrate that, through the application of this method, it was possible to observe a notable increase in the linguistic heritage in the languages under study, while it was possible to verify the increase in the apprehension of content in the field of the History of German and Spanish Literature. Discussion: In the analysis of the results, it is determined that the apprehension of the vocabulary provided served as the basis for oral and written production. Conclusions: The comparison of content and texts not only guarantees the acquisition of content or terminology, but also allows the critical evaluation of the historical contexts of a common theme over time.


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Author Biography

Carmen Prieto Reina, Universidade da Coruña

German teacher at the Official School of Languages ​​of Mérida, Professor at the University of Seville in the Faculties of Education Sciences, Philology and Tourism in the Department of German Philology, Professor at the University of Cádiz in the Faculty of Education Sciences in the Department of Language and Literature Didactics and PhD student at the University of Coruña. Her research focuses on the field of Comparative Literature and the Didactics of German Language and Literature. Scientific reviewer of the journals Estudios Humanísticos. Filología of the University of León and Journal Latin American Cultural Studies, which collaborates with Media and Information Literacy (MIL) UNESCO and the Instituto Cervantes.


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How to Cite

Prieto Reina, C. (2024). Application of the teaching of Comparative Literature and Linguistics in L1 and L2 through the texts of Franz Grillparzer and Lope de Vega. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16.



Research articles