Gender and Equality through the Prism of Law and Translation: The Role of Translations of ECtHR Judgments in the Eradication of Violence against Women




gender, discrimination, gender violence, translation, law, juritraductology, judgments, ECtHR


Introduction: The study on the translations of judgments from the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) pertaining to cases of discrimination and violence against women seeks to address a significant lacuna in gender discourse. By incorporating gender perspectives within the realm of translation, the study accentuates the pivotal role of translation in raising awareness of discrimination against women. Methodology: An empirical and quantitative-qualitative methodology is employed to analyze a parallel corpus of ECtHR judgments and their Spanish translations, aligned at the sentence level using SDL Trados. Results: The analysis reveals that the translations of the judgments contain a total of 228 segments in which the gender perspective of the ECtHR is distorted. Discussions: This distortion of the gender perspective contributes to the discrediting of victims, the tolerance towards aggressors, arbitrary actions by authorities, and the deviation from the existing legal framework. Conclusions: For ECtHR judgments to effectively contribute to the eradication of discrimination against women, it is imperative to provide legal translators with comprehensive training, ensuring they can perform their duties with the highest standards of accuracy and integrity.


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Author Biographies

Bettina Schnell, Comillas Pontifical University

Associate Professor in the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Multilingual Communication, PhD from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, undergraduate studies at the universities of Kassel (Germany) and Nice (France). Director of the Master's Degree in Legal and Financial Translation at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas between 2011 and 2015, Coordinator of the Tradyterm research group. Lines of research: translation, terminology, learning and teaching of second languages. Participation in various projects in the field of translation (Qualetra: Quality in Legal Translation, funded by the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission). Publications in prestigious international journals such as Meta, Babel, or The Interpreter and Translator Trainer.

Español, Investigadora independiente

Graduate in Translation and Interpreting from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and in Law from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Holds a Master's Degree in Legal-Financial Translation and a PhD in Legal Translation from the Doctoral Program in Individual, Family, and Society: A Multidisciplinary Vision, both from Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Worked as a freelance translator specializing in technical and legal-administrative translation from 2015 to 2021. Currently, she is a freelance researcher and an organizational change management consultant for companies undergoing digital transformation processes.


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How to Cite

Schnell, B., & García Cantón, S. (2024). Gender and Equality through the Prism of Law and Translation: The Role of Translations of ECtHR Judgments in the Eradication of Violence against Women. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.



Humanism and Social Sciences