Educational technology and interactive online maps to promote sustainable mobility and school routes




Sustainable mobility, School routes, Interactive maps, Urban development, Traffic safety, Children's autonomy, Community engagement, Educational technology


Introduction: the research aims to create safe spaces for children on their way to school. Environmental sustainability is a critical issue in current urban development, and this study seeks to address it comprehensively. Methodology: mobility patterns were identified, and opinions were collected through questionnaires administered to families. These data were essential for designing educational, technological, and urban actions in collaboration with educational centers, family associations, and local administration. Interactive online maps were developed using uMaps and Open Street Maps, accessible and collaborative tools that highlight safe school routes and conflict areas. Results: the collected data and resulting maps serve as references, helping to identify dangerous zones and implement traffic safety measures. Discussion: the results indicate that interactive maps help improve safety and foster collaboration to achieve sustainable mobility. Additionally, they promote children's autonomy and create a sense of community belonging. Conclusions: interactive online maps have demonstrated the benefits of safe school routes, involving citizens in creating safer and more sustainable educational environments and improving road safety in the school community.


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Author Biographies

María Tejedor Mardomingo, University of Valladolid

Coordinator of the Project Laboratorio urbano para la movilidad escolar sostenible: caminos escolares Palencia. She is a contracted professor, teaching in the degree of Social Education and master's programs in socio-community intervention. Her research activity focuses on spaces of shared and expanded knowledge from social, school, and civic participation and transformation. In this direction, she wrote her doctoral thesis, which received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca. She has participated in eighteen competitive research projects with public funding, resulting in five books, eighteen book chapters, twenty-three articles, the supervision of three doctoral theses, and other publications.

Manuel Gil Mediavilla, University of Valladolid

European PhD in Educational Sciences, graduated in Pedagogy and Technical Computer Engineering, with master's degrees in free software and Secondary Education teaching. His research has focused on the didactic application of technology to improve the teaching-learning process, e-learning methodologies, and phenomena associated with the misuse of ICT. Publications in national and international indexed journals and book chapters in educational publishers. Participation in research projects funded in competitive calls and international stays in Guatemala, Ireland, and Italy. Teaching experience in general and specific didactics subjects, and educational technology. Member of the panel of experts of SEPIE of the Erasmus+ Program since 2018, evaluating reports and proposals in Secondary and Higher Education.

Sonia Alguacil Sánchez, University of Burgos

International PhD Cum Laude in Psychology from the University of Granada (2016), she has developed her career as a researcher in the fields of Basic Psychology and Neuroscience, combining them with areas applied to education. She has participated in competitive and excellence projects, both national and regional, which has enabled her to publish impactful scientific works, having earned a research merit award. In her teaching career, she has been a professor in the degrees of Early Childhood, Primary, and Social Education in Developmental Psychology and Learning Psychology, as well as in the Master's in Neuroscience and Education and the Psychology Degree in Basic Psychology. She is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Burgos in Basic Psychology, where she also holds a leadership role in the department.

Vanesa Martínez Valderrey, University of Valladolid

PhD in Psychology and graduate in Pedagogy from the University of the Basque Country. Her research focuses on the impacts of the use and abuse of digital technologies. She has published works with prestigious educational publishers, as well as articles in high-impact journals both nationally and internationally. She has been a member of evaluation committees for various journals and research groups and has participated in research projects funded through competitive calls. She has taught subjects related to general and specific didactics, external practices, the organization and planning of school space, childhood development, and the biological foundations of neurodevelopment.

María Elena Ruiz Ruiz, University of Valladolid

Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education in Palencia (University of Valladolid). She holds a diploma in Teaching from the University of Valladolid, a degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences from the University of Salamanca, and a degree in Speech Therapy from the University of Oviedo. She earned her PhD in Education Sciences from the University of Salamanca. She has participated in several competitive research projects and numerous teaching innovation projects, which have resulted in various publications. She currently develops her teaching and research work in the fields of teacher training, educational attention to diversity, human rights, and cooperation and education for development and global citizenship.


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How to Cite

Tejedor Mardomingo, M., Gil Mediavilla, M., Alguacil Sánchez, S., Martínez Valderrey, V., & Ruiz Ruiz, M. E. (2024). Educational technology and interactive online maps to promote sustainable mobility and school routes. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18.




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