Oral communication in academic public examinations: challenges and interventions in higher education





oral communication, public academic examinations, anxiety about public speaking, pedagogy, academic success, artificial intelligence, action research, digital transformation


Introduction: Oral communication is a crucial skill in the academic context, especially in public examinations, in an era dominated by artificial intelligence. Anxiety about public speaking is a common issue with negative effects on students. Methodology: A literature review and methodology for developing a pedagogical intervention programme (PedPPAc) for master's students in nursing, aimed at developing oral communication skills, reducing anxiety, and improving performance in public examinations. Results: The importance of a holistic approach that includes anxiety management, the development of rhetorical skills, and adaptation to artificial intelligence is highlighted. The program's foundation is presented based on a literature review, emphasizing the need for pedagogical interventions that promote student well-being and improve performance in public defenses. Discussion: Higher education institutions need to address oral communication as an essential skill and a key element for student well-being. Conclusions: The article reflects on pedagogical strategies and the need for effective approaches, raising awareness in the academic community about the importance of oral communication as a crucial skill in today's world.


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Author Biographies

Carla Nascimento, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa

Carla Nascimento is a Professor of Medical-Surgical Nursing, People in Critical Situations, Training and Professional Development at Nursing School of Lisbon. She have a long track record in teaching, namely in the orientation and jury of Master's students in Nursing for People in Critical Situations. She is a researcher at CIDNUR and coordinates two research projects, one international, one national. Carla´s reviewer for indexed national and international scientific journals in the field of Nursing and Health and she is speaker at numerous national and international congresses. Additionally, Carla has PhD in Education, specialising in Teacher Training; Master's in Nursing, specialising in Medical-Surgical Nursing; Master's in Educational Sciences, specialising in Teacher Training; Postgraduate in Health Literacy; Postgraduate in Geriatrics; Degree in Educational Sciences, specialising in Adult Education; Degree in Nursing.

Helena Martins, Escuela Superior de Ciencias Empresariales

Helena Martins is a Professor of Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior at the Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal. She has a PhD in Management and an MSc in Work, Organizations and Personnel Psychology. Her research primarily explores the development of soft skills among higher education students, managers, and healthcare providers. She is the founder of the People Skills Lab, where she applies her expertise to foster essential interpersonal skills in various professional settings. Additionally, Helena coordinates the Bachelor's degree program in Human Resources Management at her university. She also serves as a co-coordinator of RESILIENCE, a multidisciplinary research center dedicated to advancing studies in her field of expertise. Helena’s work is focused on integrating soft skills training into formal education and professional development, enriching the capabilities of future leaders and practitioners in diverse sectors.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, C., & Martins, H. (2024). Oral communication in academic public examinations: challenges and interventions in higher education. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-944




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