Motor education and Andalusian culture: A micro project of learning service through educational play




motor education, andalusian culture, Early Childhood Education, primary education, service learning, educational play, micro project, inclusion


Introduction: Motor education contributes to the integral development of children, integrating their work into interdisciplinary projects, with basic knowledge and specific skills, in the curriculum of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education. Service-learning methodology and educational play as a didactic tool, connect motor learning with other areas of knowledge, and develop transversal competences such as initiative, creativity, or teamwork, contributing to a holistic and inclusive formation. Method and Evaluation: The micro-project was divided into 3 phases: logistics and planning, organization and development, and implementation. A self-assessment (organising faculty) and a hetero evaluation (voluntary university students) were carried out to evaluate them. Sampling: non-probability for convenience. Instrument: a questionnaire designed "ad hoc", with 3 dimensions and 10 categories and a section of personal data. Results: The results obtained were very positive, ranging from a high level (4) to a very high level (5). Conclusions: This micro project demonstrates the value of implementing E. M. programs integrated into the curriculum of E. I. and E. P., through service-learning and educational play, taking advantage of local cultural resources such as traditional games and devising an equitable and inclusive strategy in practice.


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Author Biographies

Daniel de la Cruz Manjón Pozas, Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia

Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UGR), Master's Degree in Education and ICT (UOC) and PhD in Education (UJA). Primary Education Tutor at the Sagrada Familia Professional Schools. Member of the research group of Physical Activity and Sports (HUM-790), University of Jaén, co-author of research articles (JCR and SCOPUS) in educational research and health, author of book chapters and speaker at international conferences. Member of the research team in national and international research projects: Project. EXP_61415, Research network on human locomotion, health, cognition and functionality of the elderly. Consejo Superior de Deportes; Project. Programa para una Sociedad Longeva PSL, PSL’ (code 0551_PSL_6_E) Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal (POCTEP): 88_ANDARED_Caracterisation of the gait of the elderly through innovation with portable technologies; Health project. EXP_61415, Research network on human locomotion, health, cognition and functionality of the elderly. CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE DEPORTES. Sport Science Research Networks.

Manuel Lucena Zurita, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia

Lecturer at the Sagrada Familia University Centre (attached to the University of Jaén). Private University Professor, Doctor and Graduate in Physical Education and Primary School Teacher. Positions of university responsibility for 15 years and service coordinator. Recognition of Good Teaching Practices. Member of the research group HUM-790 (University of Jaén). R+D+I and innovation projects and author and co-author of research articles (JCR and SCOPUS) in educational research and health, author of books and book chapters and speaker at international conferences. Technical director of MULTIOCIO Y GESTIÓN S.L., ETLASC MULTIOCIO, MULTIESQUÍ Ski Club and Club Deportivo Maristas.

Félix Luengo Pascual, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia (Universidad de Jaén)

Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Lecturer at the University Centre SAFA Úbeda in the subjects of Physical Activity and Health, Body Expression, Didactics of Physical Education and Games and Sports. Director of the school of leisure and free time Multiocio. Director of the Institute for the Training of Sports Technicians. Author of eight book chapters, one publication with an impact index of 0.133, speaker at five conferences, member of a teaching innovation project, three written communications at conferences, Line of research: Physical and Sports Education and Didactics of Corporal Expression.

Andrés García Pozas, Centro Universitario Sagrada Familia

Collaborating Teacher at the Sagrada Familia University Centre (attached to the University of Jaén). Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. Positions of university responsibility and coordinator of services of the university centre.


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How to Cite

Manjón Pozas, D. de la C., Lucena Zurita, M., Luengo Pascual, F., & García Pozas, A. (2024). Motor education and Andalusian culture: A micro project of learning service through educational play. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–21.

