When the communication does not arrive. Analog and digital gap in homeless





Homeless, Education, Vulnerability, Integration, Digital divide, S-night, Illiteracy, Public policies


Introduction: Education is considered one of the most influential factors in shaping individuals' life trajectories. In this context, the digital divide refers to the lack of means to access technology and the lack of technological skills. This research analyzes the educational level, analog and digital literacy of homeless people. Methodology: The methodology employed involved a night count conducted in the city of Valencia, using observation forms and questionnaires. Results: Out of the 754 people counted, a sample of 291 participants was recruited. The main findings place homeless people at a disadvantage compared to the general population. Discussion: Improving educational levels always leads to a greater potential for social integration. Information and communication technologies have generated expectations for improvement and social inclusion, but they can also widen the gaps between social groups. Conclusions: The results of this research provide evidence of a significant digital and social divide. Public policies should play a key role in promoting equity.


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Author Biographies

Paula Solaz, University of Valencia

Graduate in Social Work, Graduate in Teaching, Master in Social Welfare and PhD Candidate in Social Sciences. Lines of research: childhood and vulnerable groups.

Mercedes Botija, University of Valencia

University Professor. PhD in Social Sciences. Graduate in Social Work and Graduate in Humanities. She has received several research awards in Social Sciences. She teaches in the degree of Social Work and Social Services as well as in multiple masters and doctorates. Visiting professor in prestigious universities. Lines of research: professional practices, childhood and youth, health, women and vulnerable groups. Author of books and articles indexed in international databases. She has been PI in different innovation and teaching projects in research and social intervention.


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How to Cite

Solaz, P., & Botija, M. (2024). When the communication does not arrive. Analog and digital gap in homeless. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-966




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