Teaching Spanish as a foreign language in the university context: design, implementation and evaluation of a hybrid model





language teaching, hybrid teaching, online teaching, Spanish as Foreign Language, Moodle, e-learning, learning autonomy, university teaching


Introduction: Language learning in university education in the 21st century is crucial for expanding students’ academic and professional opportunities. At Paris Cité University, as part of the HibrIAction teaching innovation project, we have identified several challenges for the teaching of Spanish, such as the prior assessment of students’ language level, the organization of groups by level and the adaptation of language teaching pedagogy in the age of artificial intelligence. Methodology: The objectives of this work are to present the hybrid classroom teaching system implemented at the Université Paris Cité, and to evaluate its implementation by means of a questionnaire. We have therefore developed online training modules using Moodle to offer greater flexibility and autonomous learning. Results: The results of the evaluation of the pedagogical device highlight high levels of satisfaction among students with the flexibility of the online modules. Discussions: The levels of satisfaction reported by students suggest that the flexibility and autonomy provided by the online modules are effective in enhancing Spanish language learning in university contexts. Conclusions: These results underline how the integration of educational technology can improve the accessibility and quality of language learning in university settings.


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Author Biography

Ismael Ramos Ruiz, Université Paris Cité

Ismael RAMOS RUIZ is Full Professor (MCF) of Spanish Linguistics and Translation at Paris Cité University. He has completed his PhD studies in Translation and Interpreting at the University of Granada, where he has also been a lecturer and researcher. He is a member of the research groups CLILLAC-ARP (3967, Université Paris Cité) and FENIX (SEJ596, University of Seville). His lines of research focus on economic discourse analysis, metaphor and didactics of Spanish as a foreign language. He has participated in several research, international cooperation and teaching innovation projects, being Principal Investigator of three of them: RemedLang [Idex/EK/RR 2020-291], HibrIAction [StratEx-IdEx-2023-053] and EcoMeta [PPJI_B-12].


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How to Cite

Ramos Ruiz, I. (2024). Teaching Spanish as a foreign language in the university context: design, implementation and evaluation of a hybrid model. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.31637/epsir-2024-968

