MediaLab UTPL, the promotion of audiovisual innovation




MediaLab, innovation, education, audiovisual communication, transmedia narratives, interdisciplinary collaboration, hands-on learning and emerging technologies


Introduction: The MediaLab of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja promotes innovation in communication by focusing on transmedia narrative strategies for audiovisual production. It was born as a response to technological and cultural changes in the field of communication. Its objective is to explore new ways of generating content that involves the audience. Methodology: To investigate the impact of MediaLab, qualitative and quantitative methods are used through in-depth interviews, participant observation, surveys and content  analysis. Results: Innovative projects such as La Nota UTPL, Medicina en Casa, Loja Ayer y Hoy, 360º tours, photogrammetry, and holograms allow students to apply their skills in audiovisual production and narrative techniques. These projects offer practical and meaningful learning, strengthening interdisciplinary skills. Discussion: Staying at the forefront of these trends involves keeping abreast of new technologies emerging in the industry. Creativity and innovation emerge as the fundamental keys. This approach is supported by interdisciplinary work, which involves researchers, teachers, and students in the creation of cutting-edge proposals. Conclusions: MediaLab UTPL is consolidated as a reference in audiovisual production in Ecuador, promoting innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration.


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Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Maldonado, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Research professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Technical University of Loja (UTPL). REG-INV-7241121441. Social communicator. Master's in Communication and Audiovisual Education. Member of the research networks Red PRO, INAV, Red RAIN_ILRN, and Red REM. Research lines: Innovation in audiovisual communication, Audiovisual narrative, Audiovisual formats.

Carlos Ortiz Leon, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Research professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Technical University of Loja (UTPL). REG-INV-724177088. Social communicator. Doctor in communication. Director of the communication program at UTPL. Member of the research networks Red PRO, Red INAV. Research lines: Innovation in audiovisual communication, Audiovisual narrative, Audiovisual formats

Abel Suing, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Research professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Technical University of Loja (UTPL). REG-INV-18-03088. Economist. Doctor in Communication. Coordinator of the Communication and Audiovisual Culture Research Group (GICA). Researcher at the Inter-University Observatory of Ecuadorian Media (OIME). Member of the research networks RedPRO, INAV, and RICE. Research lines: Communication policies, Freedom of expression, Television studies.


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How to Cite

Maldonado, J. C., Ortiz Leon, C., & Suing, A. (2024). MediaLab UTPL, the promotion of audiovisual innovation. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–18.


