Mobile Application for Online Role-Playing Games. A Study with Pre-service Teachers on the Issue of Constructing a Sports Complex in a Natural Area




mobile application, role-playing game, socioscientific issues, teacher training, decision-making, environment, digital transition, ecological transition


Introduction: Mobile applications are essential educational tools, such as online role-playing games that teach science, where students practice decision-making and enrich their learning interactively. Studies support that role-playing games are effective in addressing socioscientific issues by providing a context for tackling complex dilemmas. Method: We present an app for online role-playing games in science education, integrating technology with innovative educational methods. The case study of an online role-playing game about the construction of a sports complex in a protected environmental area was implemented with 35 trainee teachers from the Master's in Teacher Training at the University of Malaga, using two questionnaires to collect data: one on decisions made before and after using the app, and the other on usability and satisfaction. Results and Discussion: This activity influenced participants' decisions on the issue, modifying their initial stances and broadening the dimensions they considered relevant. Although most found the app useful and easy to use, some reported technical problems. Conclusions: The integration of role-playing game applications in education shows potential to enhance critical reflection and decision-making on socioscientific issues.


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Author Biographies

María del Mar López-Fernández, University of Malaga

PhD in Teaching Experimental Sciences from the University of Granada. Graduated in Biology from the University of Malaga (2017). Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, specializing in Biology and Geology, from the University of Malaga (2019). In 2021, she joined the Experimental Sciences Teaching area at the University of Malaga. Research lines: development of critical thinking skills and the design and evaluation of mobile applications for teaching science. She belongs to the research group on Teaching Science and Competencies (ENCIC) PAIDI/HUM-974.

Juliana Valencia, University of Malaga

PhD in Biological Sciences. She joined the area of ​​Didactics of Experimental Sciences in 2018, starting a PhD in Educational Sciences in 2021. She has numerous communications to conferences, publications and book chapters. Evaluator of Eureka Magazine on Teaching and Dissemination of Sciences and Ápice Magazine. She participates in two national R&D projects and three educational innovation projects. Her research career covers Spanish centers (CSIC and Universities of Extremadura, Córdoba and Málaga) and foreign centers (University of Pisa, Marie Curie, Paris and Marie S. Curie contract at the University of Porto). Lines of research: Critical thinking and Biodiversity.

Antonio Joaquín Franco-Mariscal, University of Malaga

PhD from the University of Cádiz and a degree in Chemical Sciences. Professor of Didactics of Experimental Sciences at the University of Malaga (2019-). Member of the PAIDI HUM-974 Research Group (ENCIC). Research lines: mobile applications, gamification, critical thinking. 141 research articles. Participant in 10 research projects: 4 consecutive national R&D&I projects of the Ministry of Education (2011-2024). Principal investigator of 2 Projects of the National Plan, and another of Excellence of the Junta de Andalucía (21Proy_Excel00176) (2022-2025) (mobile applications).


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How to Cite

López-Fernández, M. del M., Valencia, J., & Franco-Mariscal, A. J. (2024). Mobile Application for Online Role-Playing Games. A Study with Pre-service Teachers on the Issue of Constructing a Sports Complex in a Natural Area. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–20.

