The new advertising narratives in strategic storytelling




advertising, strategic planning, narrativity, storytelling, new narratives, new media, advertising narrativity, digital platforms


Introduction: This paper collects the first research results about the impact of new narratives on planning, especially the way they guide innovative forms of advertising communication in the digital platforms world, and Content Advertising. Methodology: The methodology used was qualitative in nature through In-depth interviewing with six key informants grouped into three groups. First, experts in advertising planning; second, directors of creative departments in advertising agencies; third, media strategists and brand managers or commercial directors. Furthermore, was also used a systematic literature review to document the research descriptors or keywords. Results: A consensus is evident regarding the use and impact of strategic storytelling and new narratives in advertising communication. Discussion: The correct use of new narratives constitutes a success factor for achieving performance indicators. Conclusions: The way to marketing and advertising strategies, advertising creativity, and media strategy are designed, planned and executed is directly directed by the consumption trends of digital content and new narrativities.


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Author Biographies

Vladimir Sánchez-Riaño, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Associate professor and full-time researcher, leader of the Advertising: society, culture and creativity group of the Academic Area of ​​Advertising - UTADEO. PhD in Philosophy (Santo Tomás University). Master in Semiotics (Jorge Tadeo Lozano University). Master in Political Studies (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana). Specialist in University Teaching and Bachelor in Philosophy and Letters (Santo Tomás University). Co-creator of the Semiotic Model of Strategic Advertising Planning with which the UTADEO Advertising Program has obtained several gold, silver and bronze awards at the Effie College Colombia. Jury in five versions of the Effie Awards Colombia and member of the jury of the Grand Effie 2018-2019. Best Advertising Professor in Colombia in the Top 10 of PyM Magazine 2021.

Jairo Roberto Sojo-Gómez, Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Master in Advertising from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University, Specialist in Consumer Psychology from Konrad Lorenz and Professional in Advertising from Utadeo. He has more than two decades of experience in the area of ​​accounts and strategic planning in agencies such as: DDB Colombia, JWT, Indexcol, ADE, and HAVAS, where he has led the coordination of administrative and communication processes for the execution of advertising, promotion and marketing strategies for different companies in local and international markets. He has won awards from the IAA, Pinnacle - DDB Worldwide internal awards - and ANDA Awards, today EFFIE Awards for effectiveness in communication strategies. He is currently a guest columnist in the PyM magazine specialized in advertising.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Riaño, V., & Sojo-Gómez, J. R. (2024). The new advertising narratives in strategic storytelling. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 9, 1–22.



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