Protocol as a means of preserving university traditions


  • Silvia Rubín Ruiz Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla image/svg+xml



Identity, Ceremonial, Presidencies, Protocol, Symbolisms, Events, Ceremonies, Tradition


Introduction: In a university instance, endless activities occur which are part of the work of the community that comprises it: students, professors, researchers, administrators, managers, officials and even graduates. Methodology: self-study case, which is based on an analysis of the Salamancan university protocol with our peers, a subsequent reflection and a cultural adaptation when writing the Manual, which contemplates both the division of the acts, their nature and their in-person or online execution. Results: The generation of a manual and the implementation of a communication strategy for its socialization, knowledge and use, has allowed us to take care of the image of our events, achieving with excellence, through its organization, what we wish to communicate. Discussions: In execution, having a well-defined protocol, with criteria and strategies, has allowed order and communication both for those who organize them and for those who participate in them, achieving better performance and near perfection compared to those who do not have it. Conclusions: The protocol and the ceremonial, by correctly establishing the precedence of authorities, and by knowing and providing the necessary tools for the organization of any event, allow the UPAEP identity to be communicated both internally and externally.


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Author Biography

Silvia Rubín Ruiz, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla

Coordinator of Institutional Protocols and Contents at UPAEP since 2017. Participation in curricular residencies of Critical Thinking Programmes in school-based, non-school-based and mixed modalities. Subjects taught at postgraduate level: Communication and academic writing and Reflection and Transformation of teaching practice. International presentations: TELEDU 2016 (Colombia), MEIN 2016 (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic), Experiencias Educativas (Puebla, Mexico), INTED 2015, INTED 2014, ICERI 2013, EDULERAN 2013, INNODOCT 2013, ICERI 2012, EDULEARN 2012, INTED 2012 (Spain), LUMEN 2012 and 2014 (Romania), ICOM 2004 (Cuba). Previously, Content Coordinator (2007) in Local Television (Televisa Puebla) of the Sunday program FORO, host, reporter, and editor. Producer of Noticiario Al Tanto Matutino (2006), News Editor Al Tanto Nocturno (2002), News Editor (1999).


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How to Cite

Rubín Ruiz, S. (2024). Protocol as a means of preserving university traditions. European Public & Social Innovation Review, 10, 1–16.


